
The Initiative on Cities has proudly supported research and publications related to youth engagement and empowerment.

2022 Publications

School Closures Significantly Reduced Arrests of Black and Latinx Urban Youth
Jessica Simes, Tori Cowger, and Jacquelyn Jahn
BU Initiative on Cities: Working Paper.
Themes: Racial Inequities, Policing, Youth

Workforce development for vulnerable youth: lessons from two national studies
Mary Elizabeth Collins and Adrianna Spindle-Jackson
BU Initiative on Cities: White Paper.
Themes: Youth Opportunity, Inequity, Workforce Development Boards

2017 Publications

What does youth-led participatory budgeting reveal about youth priorities? Ideas, votes, and decisions
Mary Elizabeth Collins, Astraea Augsberger, Whitney Gecker, and Katharine Lusk
Journal of Youth Studies: Journal.
Themes: Youth Engagement, Local Government, Participatory Budgeting

“She treated us like we bring valid ideas to the table:” Youth experiences of a youth-led participatory budgeting process
Astraea Augsberger, Mary Elizabeth Collins, Whitney Gecker, Katharine Lusk, and QJ Zhao
Children and Youth Services Review: Journal.
Themes: Youth Engagement, Local Government, Participatory Budgeting

Youth Lead the Change: Participatory Budgeting
Astraea Augsberger, Mary Collins, Meaghan Dougher, Whitney Gecker, and Katharine Lusk
BU Initiative on Cities: Report.
Themes: Youth Engagement, Local Government, Participatory Budgeting

2016 Publications

Engaging Youth in Local Government: Lessons from the Boston Region
Astraea Augsberger, Mary Collins, Shari Davis, Whitney Gecker, Katharine Lusk, and Francesco Tena
BU Initiative on Cities. White Paper.
Themes: Youth Engagement, Youth Councils, Local Government

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