Click HERE for a flyer with all of our Fall HGHRS courses.

The Holocaust

RN 384 / JS 260 / GRS 684 / STH TX 884 (4 Credits) 
TR 3:30-4:45

This class deals with the rise of German (and European) antisemitism; the rise of Nazism; the 1935 Nuremberg Laws; the initial Jewish reaction; racial theory; organizing mass murder including ghettos, concentration camps, killing squads, and gas chambers; bystanders and collaborators (countries, organizations, and individuals); Jewish resistance; post-Holocaust religious responses; and moral and ethical issues. This course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Ethical ReasoningHistorical ConsciousnessCritical Thinking.

Instructor: Professor Steven T. Katz

Representations of the Holocaust in Literature and Film

CAS JS 261 (4 Credits) Mts w/ CAS XL 281, RN 685, COM CI 269, STH TX 899

M/W/F 12:20-1:10

How can we understand the impact of the Holocaust and its ongoing legacies? Holocaust representation in literature, film and memorials, including discussions of bystander complicity and societal responsibilities, testimonial and fictive works by Wiesel and Levi, documentaries and feature films. Effective Fall 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Ethical Reasoning, Historical Consciousness.

Instructor: Professor Matthew Creighton

The Nazis

CAS HI 271 (4 Credits) 

A1: Tu and Th 11-12:15 pm

C1: We 11:15-12:05 pm

D1: Tu 3:35-4:25 pm

E1: We 3:35-4:25 pm

Explores the rise and fall of Europe’s most notorious mass movement through film, diaries, party documents, and other sources. Considers the impact of Nazi rule on art, finance, politics, and family life. Analyzes the mass murder and destruction caused by Nazi rule. BU Hub areas: Ethical Reasoning, Historical Consciousness, Critical Thinking.

Instructor: Professor Jonathan Zatlin

History of Genocide

CAS HI 384 (4 Credits) 

T/TH 2:00-3:15 PM

History and comparative analysis of genocidal mass murder with focus on the twentieth century. Hereros, Armenians, holomodor, Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur. Attention to political leaders, state ideology, dehumanization of victim groups, geopolitical competition, war, empire building and decline.

Instructor: Professor Simon Payaslian

The African Diaspora in the Americas

CAS HI 489/AA 489 (4 Credits)

Fri 11:15-2:00

History of peoples of African descent in the Americas after end of slavery from an international framework. Examines development of racial categories, emergence of national identities in wake of the wars of independence, diverse Black communities in the twentieth century. Also offered as CAS AA 489.

Instructor: Professor Joshua Castillo

Forced Migration and Human Trafficking: Virtual Policy Incubator

CAS IR 453 (4 Credits) Mts w/GRS IR653

T 3:30-6:15

Causes and impact of forced migration and human trafficking. Role of conflict and state formation; emergence of international human rights and domestic asylum laws; role of international organizations, private sector and security forces in both combating and enabling human trafficking.

Instructor: Professor Noora Lori