Personal Statement: Jean-Phillip

Q&A with Jean-Phillip

Why did you choose BU Law?

I wanted to attend BU Law because of the people I met here. They were very welcoming and professional. For me having a community that is supportive is very important, but also having a community of people who want to achieve at a high standard is crucial. With BU, I have both.

Who was the first person you told that you were accepted and why?

My coworkers because that was who I was with when I found out, and they were rooting for me. Then I told my mom and dad. They have supported me my entire life. Helping others is a way I can thank them for what they have done for me.

Are you involved—or do you hope to be—in any student groups or organizations on BU’s campus?

I am currently involved with Black Law Student Association and the Immigration Law Society as a 1L representative. I also hope to be involved with the other affinity groups as well as PIP, Ed Law Association, National Security, and potentially some others. I’m trying a bit of everything to get a grasp of what I really want to do and to help out groups where I can.

How does your background “straddling different spaces” prepare you for or impact your approach to law school?

I think it helps me to focus my efforts even in the midst of trying new things. I can take those things and bring them together in a way that is unique. I approach law school as an opportunity to be more open and clearer and more effective in my thinking.

What is your favorite course thus far?

My favorite course so far is Civil Procedure. There is definitely a lot to learn and some might say boring, but I think our professor makes it a very engaging experience.

What are your career aspirations after law school?

I am interested in exploring many different areas. I am interested in international law and business but also interested in doing work in immigration and asylum, litigation, government and education policy work.

What advice would you give to a BU Law applicant?

I would tell them to be as open and honest as possible in their applications and to evaluate the reasons they want to go to law school.