01. Strategy & Design

We Love Big Ideas

Creative Services (CS) is an award-winning, full-service, in-house creative agency built to showcase Boston University’s work to the world better than anyone else.

Because we’re embedded in BU, we can see the bigger, University-sized picture, and we have the talent and institutional insight to bring your work to life. We are leaders in our field, with a focus on branding, creative strategy, web design, marketing writing, graphic design, and digital and print production.

We’re Your Partner

As the agency of choice for the University, you’ll work with a team that knows all the ins and outs of life at BU. Our designers, writers, and developers, along with expert account executives, project managers, and Editorial Services (who edit, proofread, and copy edit all CS projects), are here for you.

We will work closely with you to meet your overall goals, reach your intended audience, and achieve your communications objectives—while staying on strategy, on time, and within budget—with all the t’s crossed and i’s dotted.

And the best part? That great work gets even better results.