Béla Suki to Deliver 2025 DeLisi Lecture
The Charles DeLisi Award and Lecture recognizes extraordinary researchers and inventors of transformative technologies.
The materials of the next generation are taking shape here and you are the scientist who will oversee this shift forward. That is just what you will be prepared to do as you learn from an internationally recognized faculty, all while developing breakthrough materials and processes that impact everyday life. From applications of new materials to modifications of existing ones, the world demands your talents to shape metals, semiconductors and biopolymers. Materials is education, it's inspiration, and it's leading to a future that is waiting for you.
MSE will have the great honor of hosting awesome speakers for our materials seminars this Spring.
To see a list of the individuals who will speak this semester please see the webpage below.
Biomaterials | Electronic & Photonic Materials | Materials for Energy and Environment | Nanomaterials
Research areas span multiple departments and schools and colleges at BU, and are truly cross-cutting. MSE faculty demonstrate national and international leadership, attract significant research funding from federal and state governments, and are making a direct impact on industry.
The Charles DeLisi Award and Lecture recognizes extraordinary researchers and inventors of transformative technologies.
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