The Organizational & Development team is certified to provide a variety of workstyle assessments. Many workstyle personality assessments might help build an awareness of our style and the impact of our behaviors on others. If you are interested in using a workstyle assessment as a tool for self-reflection, please click here to request an assessment.  

     360 Degree Assessment – BU partnered with the Center for Creative Leadership* to develop the 360 Degree Assessment tool. We have customized this tool for BU to align leadership competencies with university expectations. The 360 Degree Assessment systematically collects individual performance perspectives from peers, direct reports, colleagues, and superiors. The 360-degree assessment approach provides a 360° view of a leader’s strengths and opportunities for growth. Participants receive confidential consultation and support to interpret findings and develop goals for improvement from the OD&L team. 

    The Center for Creative Leadership is a global, nonprofit research-based educational institution that pioneered 360-degree assessments in confidential, development-focused feedback for leaders.  

    Everything DiSC® – We offer the Everything DiSC® application suite from a DiSC-authorized partner, The Center for Internal Change. The DiSC Profile is a personality assessment (not a test) that provides a common language people can use to understand themselves better and adapt their behaviors. This can be within a work team, leadership, or other relationships. 

    CliftonStrengths® – We offer the CliftonStrengths Assessment from Gallup. CliftonStrengths assessment is designed to help you discover what you naturally do best, learn how to develop your greatest talents into strengths, and use your personalized results and reports to maximize your potential. The OD&L team offers individuals and teams the Top 5 Strengths and the CliftonStrengths 34. We are Gallup-Certified Strengths coaches.

    When you know better, do better. – Maya Angelou

    Please Note: Organizational Development & Learning is committed to ensuring tools we use and offer our inclusive and equitable. As we learn more about the history of workstyle assessments, it is becoming clear there are significant shortcomings. While these instruments might provide some value for individuals to reflect on their work styles, when used to compare self to others, the assessments might perpetuate historical & existing racial, social, and cultural biases. And they might not fully consider the differentiated lived experiences that individuals bring into the workplace.  

    With this in mind; below are a few things to remember when using workstyle assessments:  

      • Workstyle assessments are best for self-discovery purposes.
      • When administered to a team, each team member should have the autonomy to agree or disagree with the assessment results.
      • Individual team members’ results should not be discussed without them present.
      • Results should not be used to make decisions regarding hiring, promotions, project or task opportunities, or for performance management purposes.
      • The best way to discover a colleague’s style is to ask them, get to know them, listen to learn, and show genuine curiosity.

    To learn more about the problem with assessments, check out these articles:  

    If you have questions or concerns regarding assessments, please don’t hesitate to contact 

    Click here to request workstyle assessments