Prof. Adil Najam Publishes Paper on Climate Change and Corruption

Global-corruption-reportThe 2011 Global Corruption Report of Transparency International focuses on the issue of climate change and explores the corruption risks related to tackling climate change. The report brings together over 50 experts from across the world, including Prof. Adil Najam – Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future and Boston University Professor of International Relations and Geography and the Environment.

Prof. Adil Najam’s chapter in the report, titled “Climate Change Funds and Development: How to Ensure Transparency and Access to Information on Funding Streams for Adaptation” looks at practical measures to ensure greater transparency in climate adaptation funding. Prof. Najam proposed a series of practical steps in which this might happen.

The wide-ranging “Global Corruption Report” from Transparency International looks at a range of issues, including international policy-making, national level mitigation and adaptation strategies and with a special focus on the forestry sector. The report argued that a global response to climate change will demand unprecedented international cooperation, deep economic transformation and resource transfers at a significant scale and that corruption threatens to jeopardize these efforts.

Transparency International (TI) is the global civil society organization leading the fight against corruption. Through more than 90 chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, TI raises awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and works with partners in government, business and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle it.