New Task Force Report on Remittance Flows to Post-Conflict States

Remittances TF Report coverThe Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future in collaboration with the Boston University Center for Finance, Law & Policy has published a new Pardee Center Task Force Report titled “Remittance Flows to Post-Conflict States: Perspectives on Human Security and Development.”

The Report is the outcome of an interdisciplinary Task Force of experts convened in 2012 by the Center for Finance, Law & Policy (CFLP) that was charged with researching, analyzing, and proposing policy recommendations regarding the role of remittances in post-conflict countries and the potential for such remittances to serve as a major source of development funds. The group was convened on behalf of CFLP by BU Economics Professor John R. Harris and Donald F. Terry, an international banking expert and Lecturer at the BU Law School who is also a Senior Fellow at CFLP.

The Report will be officially launched at an event on October 10 co-sponsored by the Pardee Center and the Center for Finance, Law & Policy.