Second group of participants announced

We are happy to announce the second group of participants selected to attend the PASI, with travel grants. The first group was announced November 13.

There will be a new announcement soon with more participants from Latin American countries.

Kendra Dresback

Research Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering & Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma.

Dr. Dresback received an MS and PHD in Civil Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Her research includes the use of computational models to help in the prediction of hurricane storm surge and flooding in coastal areas and the incorporation of transport effects in coastal seas and oceans in ADCIRC.

M. Chase Dwelle

PhD Student, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan

Chase is a first-year PhD student whose research interests include particle methods and numerical modeling of free-surface and multiphase flow. He received his BSE in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan. Chase is currently working on the downscaling of global climate models to regional scales to asses potential changes in future flooding, and is interested in integrating the use of GPU computing to his research.

Dmitriy Leykekhman

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Connecticut

Prof. Leykekhman received a PhD in mathematics from Cornell University in 2004, after which he was a postdoc in applied mathematics at Rice University. Presently, he is an assistant professor at University of Connecticut in the department of Mathematics with a joint appointment in the Marine Sciences department. His main research interest is in numerical solutions to partial differential equation specializing in mathematical theory of finite element methods. He is interested in learning about mathematical theory and computational aspects of storm and tidal phenomena and in applying the techniques to Long Island Sound.

Jessica A. Lodewyk

PhD student, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Jessica earned her BA in Earth and Planetary Science from Washington University in St. Louis in 2010. She is currently a PhD student at Northwestern University working on understanding the historical seismicity of southern Chile and modeling wave propagation through the interior of the earth.

Jason Mak

PhD student, Computer Science Department, University of California, Davis

Jason has an BS degree in Computer Science from California Polytechnic State University. He is currently a PhD student working in a GPU Computing research group under Professor John Owens at the University of California, Davis. His research interests include GPU computing, parallel algorithms and architectures, and scientific computing. He was an intern at Intel Corporation in 2012, where he analyzed the performance of a compressible fluid dynamics code on Intel architectures.

Lillian Soto-Cordero (Cancelled, with regrets)

Staff scientist, Puerto Rico Seismic Network

Lillian Soto-Cordero is a research project manager for (1) the Seismic and geodetic instrumentation and seismological study of South-Eastern Puerto Rico (FEMA Grant) and (2) the Regional Moment Tensor Study of Deep Earthquakes in the PR/VI region.

Andy Terrel

Research Associate, Texas Advanced Computing Center / Adjunct Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Terrel is a High Performance Computing researcher at the Texas Advanced Computing Center. In this role, Andy helps users utilize supercomputers with Python and studies methods for speeding up computational fluid dynamics. He graduated from the University of Chicago with a PhD in Computer Science in 2010 and has been programming in Python for the last decade. He is a contributor to numerous open source projects including FEniCS Project and Sympy

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