Professor Jaakko Hintikka (1929-2015)

The Department is saddened by the death of Professor Jaakko Hintikka (1929-2015). A student of G.H. von Wright’s, Professor Hintikka was a Junior Fellow at Harvard (1956-9), holding several professorial appointments at the University of Helsinki, the Academy of Finland, Florida State University and finally Boston University from 1990 until his death. The architect of game-theoretical semantics, his contributions to philosophy stretched across numerous fields, from logic to the history of philosophy.

– Juliet Floyd, Professor of Philosophy

Jaakko Hintikka memorial announcement flier


Our beloved

Kaarlo Jaakko Juhani

b. 12.1.1929 Helsinki Socken (now Vantaa)
d. 12.8.2015 Porvoo

We leave life
And then, we do not leave.
We live on in everything
That we have done

(Martti Lindqvist)

Missing him with love

Peter, Bianca, Beatrice,
Charlotte, Pekka, Vanessa

Veikko, Eeva-Liisa
Eero, Tuomas, Jukka and his family

Family and friends

As a friendly invitation we announce that the funeral ceremony will be
held September 8th, at 2.30pm in the Helsinki Old Church. Instead of
bouquet [bring] only one white rose. The memory of Jaakko Hintikka can
be honored with gift to Jaakko Hintikka Memorial Fund IBAN:
FI5640550012254138 BIC: HELSFIHH

Registration to commemoration by August 28th to:
Armas Borg funeral agency, phone 09 6129890 or