The Research in Comparative Politics (RCP) workshop serves as a forum for the presentation of research by faculty and graduate students in comparative politics.


Date Speaker Topic
Feb 1 Cathie Martin, BU “Same as it Ever was? Culture, Literature, and Institutional Change”
Feb 15 Jessie Trudeau (Brown) “Criminal Capital, Voter Mobilization, and Suppression”
Apr 15 Ora Szekely (Clark) “Syria Divided”
May 3 Mai Hassan (MIT) “Who Gets Hired? Political Patronage and Bureaucratic Favoritism”


Date Speaker Topic
Oct 20 Anne Meng, University of Virginia “Power Sharing and Authoritarian Stability: Evidence from Rebel Regimes”
Dec 8 Nadya Hajj, Wellesley College “Networked Refugees: Palestinian Reciprocity and Remittances in the Digital Age”
Jan 31 Jeremy Menchik, BU “The Spirit and/of Political Science”
Feb 9 Megan Turnbull, University of Georgia “Support, Toleration, and Repression: Incumbent Responses to Dissident Armed Groups in Nigeria and Kenya”
Mar 2 Steven Wilson, Brandeis University “Measuring Internet & Politics: Introducing the Digital Society Project”
Apr 28 Lisel Hintz, John Hopkins University “Fight Scenes: Identity and Contestation in Turkey’s Pop Culture Arena”


Date Speaker Topic Discussant
Sept 23 Richard Nielsen, MIT How the Rhetoric of Women in the Alt-Right Broadens the Movement’s Appeal Katherine Levine Einstein, BU
Oct 7 Rachel Brule, BU Women, Power, and Property: The Paradox of Gender Equality Laws in India Virginia Sapiro, BU
Feb 10 Hannah Alarian, University of Florida Immigrant Voting Rights and Naturalization in the European Union None
Mar 3 Thomas Pepinsky, Cornell Voting in Authoritarian Elections (with Turkuler Isiksel) None
 Mar 31 Susan Stokes, University of Chicago Parties and Mobilization in Referendums None
Apr 28 Laura Paler, American University
Can Mediated Contact Change Prejudice and Political Preferences? Evidence from a “Married at First Sight” Experiment (with Kyle Gray)


Date Speaker Topic
Mar 4 Angelica Duran-Martinez, UMass Lowell Negotiating with Criminal, Non-Rebel Groups in Latin America
Sept 25 Milan Svolik, Yale Democracy in America? Partisanship, Polarization, and the Robustness of Support for Democracy in the United States
Oct 15 Yonatan Morse, University of Connecticut Why Run for Office in an Authoritarian Regime? MP Motivations and Role Orientations in Cameroon
Nov 6 Chipo Dendere, Wellesley Three Decades of HIV – A Look at How Parties Benefited from Crisis
Nov 20 Nicholas Barnes, Brown Monopolies of Violence: Gang Governance in Rio de Janeiro

AY 2018/19

Date Speaker Topic
Sept 12 Bill Grimes, BU Institutionalizing Financial Cooperation in East Asia
cosponsored by the Pardee Research Seminar
Oct 10 Rebecca Weitz-Shapiro, Brown University What is Political Knowledge Good for? Conceptualizing Political Knowledge in Developing Country Democracies
Oct 31 Nicholas Rush Smith, The City College of New York Democratic Death: South Africa’s Killing State
cosponsored by the African Studies Center 
Feb 6 Michael Woldemariam, BU From Rebelling to Ruling: How Power Distributions and Communal Structure Affect Regime Consolidation After Rebel Victory in Africa
Mar 20 Steve Rosenzweig, BU What Explains Ethnic Voting?
Apr 17 Guadalupe Tunon, Harvard When the Church Votes Left: The Electoral Consequences of Progressive Religion

AY 2017/18

Date Speaker Topic
Oct 24 Pia Raffler, Harvard Meet the Candidates: Experimental Evidence on Information and Voting Behavior in Uganda Primary and General Elections
Jan 31 Robert Blair, Brown The Effects of Chinese Development Finance on State Legitimacy in Africa: Cross-National and Sub-National Evidence from Surveys, Survey Experiments, and Behavioral Games
 Feb 7 Jeremy Menchik, BU Woodrow Wilson and the Spirit of Liberal Internationalism
 Apr 4 Melani Cammett, Harvard Coethnicity and Clientelism in Divided Societies: Insights from an Experimental Study of Political Behavior in Lebanon
 Apr 18 Germán Feierherd, Yale Does the Left Breed Economic Informality? Party Strategies and Selective Enforcement in Brazil


AY 2016/17

Date Speaker Topic
Nov 7 Prerna Singh, Brown How Ideas and Institutions Explain the Differential Control of Disease in China and India
Dec 12 Johannes Lindvall, Lund University Economic Downturns, Political Competition, and State Capacity
Mar 1 Cathie Jo Martin, BU Imagine All the People: Literature, Society and Cross-National Variation in Education Systems
Mar 22 Gwyneth McClendon, Harvard Religious Influences on Political Engagement: Insights from Sub-Saharan Africa
Apr 26 Taylor Boas, BU Norms versus Action: Voting Against Malfeasance in Brazil