Alice Cronin-Golomb


  • Title Professor
  • Office 900 Commonwealth Avenue
  • Phone (617) 353-3911
  • Education PhD, California Institute of Technology

Director: Vision & Cognition Laboratory

Dr. Cronin-Golomb received the Ph.D. in Psychobiology from the California Institute of Technology, following a B.A. in Biology-Psychology from Wesleyan University. She is a faculty member in both the Clinical Program and the Program in Brain, Behavior, and Cognition of PBS, as well as the Neurophotonics Center and the interdisciplinary Center for Systems Neuroscience. She is director of the Vision and Cognition Laboratory. Dr. Cronin-Golomb’s research spans perception, cognition, motor function, mood, sleep, and other aspects of daily function in aging and the age-related neurodegenerative disorders Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Her methodologies include perceptual and cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychological assessment, neuroimaging, and visual psychophysics. Dr. Cronin-Golomb’s lab engages in basic research and in the development of interventions to enhance quality of life, especially in older adults. Her group collaborates with faculty from the Charles River Campus including the College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College and the College of Engineering, and with faculty from the Medical Campus and the VA Boston Healthcare System. She teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate level in Neuropsychology.

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