Michael Otto


Otto Michael
  • Title Professor
  • Education PhD, University of New Mexico

Director: Translational Research Program

Michael W. Otto, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Senior Fellow at the Institute for Health System Innovation and Policy at Boston University. Dr. Otto has had a major career focus on developing and validating new psychosocial treatments for mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders, as well as work in health promotion ranging from medication adherence to exercise behaviors. An enduring theme across these disorders is the role of exposure-based emotional tolerance/acceptance strategies in improving mental health, and the role of cognitive and affective risk factors in derailing adaptive behavior and goal attainment. Dr. Otto has over 20 years of continuous funding from NIH, and has published over 450 articles, chapters, and books spanning his research interests. He has been identified as a “top producer” in the clinical empirical literature, an ISI Highly Cited Researcher, and recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Clinical Psychology award from the American Psychological Association, Division 12. He is also recipient of a 2019 Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award for excellence in mentoring from the American Psychological Association. Dr. Otto is past President of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and Past President of the American Psychological Association Division 12, and his service to the field was recognized in 2010 by an Outstanding Service Award from ABCT. Dr. Otto is a regular provider of continuing education and continuing medical education workshops across the United States. In addition, Dr. Otto has been a frequent consultant to industry, and the broad scope of his work has led to popular media coverage in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Scientific American-Mind, Runner’s World, Self, and Outside Magazine. 

Information on Dr. Otto’s research publications can be found at the US National Library of Medicine.

Information on Dr. Otto’s books and treatment manuals can be found on Amazon.

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