FIT Testing

Before you attend a fit testing session: All BMC staff and BU student, staff and faculty will need to be medically cleared to wear a respirator. Medical clearances are completed through your institutions Occupational Health Provider. For BMC staff you must contact Workingwell Clinic (617-638-8400), for BUMC staff or faculty use Research Occupational Health Program (ROHP) (617-358-7647), for BU main campus faculty and staff use Occupational Health Clinic (617-353-6630), and lastly, for BU students use Student Health Services (617-353-3575).

Boston Medical Staff: EHS is currently conducting fit testing sessions for Boston Medical Center employees at various times and places within the hospital.  Please visit the EHS Department page on the BMC intranet for the most recent fit testing schedule.  You can also schedule an appointment for a fit test at the following page.

BU Researchers: Shall contact their research safety specialist for more information about prerequisites and scheduling a fit test.

Dental School: Fit testing for affiliates of the BU Dental Health Center and Goldman Dental School should reach out to Krista Aronson-Joseph at

All other fit testing questions should be directed to EHS at 617-358-7840 or



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