The Final Review.

The final review is the beginning of the end of PH976, and should be submitted within 21 days after your practicum end date. The final review is similar to the midpoint review, but includes some additional components. The final review is reviewed by the same three people as your proposal and midpoint review. In the final review you will do the following:

In the final review you will do the following:

  • An opportunity to make any updates.
  • Explain if you have completed your hours and alert us if you are not.
  • Rate your competency attainment and justify your rating.
  • Answer some reflection questions.
  • Describe your practicum experience and provide a confidential review of your practicum site and supervisor.
  • Describe and rate your experience with the practicum process and the practicum portal.
  • Upload all of your deliverables. You will be asked to assemble a practicum portfolio, and you will need to attach all of the deliverables mentioned in your proposal. The portfolio helps you inform BUSPH what deliverables are meeting which competency.

In addition to this, your supervisor will:

  • Inform us if they would be open to hosting another student.
  • Inform us on your competency attainment for the practicum.
  • Inform us if they believe you met the requirements and hours.
  • Inform us what you did well and what you could improve.
  • Provide a final evaluation of your performance.
  • Detail any concerns or challenges that they may wish to express to the school.
  • Note: More so than the midpoint, this is very much a performance review, and it is good practice to have your supervisor provide the feedback to you in person/virtually rather than just putting it in the portal.

The final review is essentially your final project for PH976, so it’s important to take it seriously. You are expected to submit within 21 days, but extensions can be granted. Be honest in your feedback and let us know about any concerns. However, please do not wait for your final review if a concern comes up that you are not sure how to handle on your own. It’s better to tackle a lot of these challenges as soon as possible.


Upon receiving an approval by all three reviewers your practicum is done (congratulations!). However, grading for this type of course is a bit more complex. You will only receive a grade or grade change at the end of the semester in which your practicum was marked as fully complete. Due to the flexible nature of PH976 you may receive an incomplete if your practicum is not completed by the date in the portal at the time of grading. Generally, there is no cause for alarm, and the grade will be updated at the end of the following semester after your practicum is marked complete.

Click Here to Visit the BUSPH Practicum Portal