Building Refugee and Immigrant Degrees for Graduate Education Program

Since the early 1990s, we have addressed the need for the recruitment and preparation of newcomer social workers through the School’s Refugee & Immigrant Training Program–an initiative that helped establish a solid track record of recruiting members of newcomer groups to enter the social work field. Today, we are proud to serve as home to the Building Refugee and Immigrant Degrees for Graduate Education (BRIDGE) program.

The BRIDGE program aims to increase access to graduate social work education for refugees and immigrants as well as critical cultural competency needs within the human services workforce. This program will increase the number of professionally trained social workers from underserved culturally- and linguistically-diverse newcomer populations through a unique structure of support that provides a transitional bridge to graduate academic communities.

Learn more about eligibility and applying on our Applying & Deadlines webpage.

Contact BRIDGE

Claudio Martinez
BRIDGE Co-Director

Margaret Lombe
BRIDGE Co-Director & Associate Professor

Jorge Delva
BRIDGE Co-Director & Professor


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