Project CAMI: Gracias a nuestros participantes

En español

Para los participantes del Proyecto CAMI, que comenzó en Northeastern y que continuará en la Universidad de Boston:

Recientemente proveamos un programa de educación sobre como el uso de alcohol afecta su salud. Queríamos usar esta información a mejorar el cuidado para los Latinxs. Mucho Latinxs del área de Boston ofrecieron su tiempo porque querían ayudar su comunidad, ¡y eso lo hicieron! ¡Gracias!

Esto es lo que ustedes nos enseñaron. Primero, Latinxs de Boston toman gran orgullo en sus familias y comunidades. Segundo, hablando abiertamente durante una sola sesión de los desafíos de uno, como discriminación, estigma, y aislamiento, ayuda en una manera real a mejorar la salud mental durante un año y tal vez más.  Su participación dice a los responsables políticos que Latinxs son resistente y que invirtiendo en la salud mental tiene beneficios reales.

Gracias a los que participaron en el estudio de CAMI, podemos ayudar los Latinxs en la comunidad a mantenerse saludable para ellos mismo y sus familias.

In English

For participants of Project CAMI, which you started at Northeastern and which will continue at Boston University:

We recently provided an education program about how alcohol use can affect your health. We wanted to use this information to improve care for Latinxs. Many Latinxs in the Boston area volunteered because they wanted to help the community, and they did just that. Thank you!

Here’s what you taught us. First, Latinxs in Boston take great pride in their families and communities. Second, one session of openly talking about challenges that one faces, including discrimination, stigma, and isolation, helps in a very real way, to improve mental health, for a year and maybe longer. Your participation tells policy makers that Latinxs are resilient and that investing in mental health has real benefits.

Thanks to those who participated in the CAMI study, we are able to help Latinxs in the community to stay healthy and happy for themselves and their families.


Project CAMI

Project CAMI was an NIH-funded study conducted at Northeastern University in Boston from 2012-2017 with 300 Latinx participants interested in learning more about the health effects of alcohol. It was a study designed in collaboration with community members and health care providers at the South End Community Health Center.

The study, led by Dr. Christina Lee, aimed to reduce alcohol-related problems by disrupting the stress to heavy drinking association for Latinxs. A key part was to help people talk about the discrimination and marginalization they experienced in their communities and alternatives to drinking to cope using motivational interviewing and positive psychology.