Writing Help

The School of Theology offers several ways for students to seek assistance with their written coursework. Writing Works and Peer Editing Network are on-campus options for current students to consult with volunteers who can help address a range of issues that can arise while completing written assignments.

Writing Works

Room B-27, 617-353-2014

Writing Works is a free writing consultation program established to assist School of Theology students with academic writing. Writing Works tutors are prepared to help you address the full range of issues that arise in doing written coursework. During your session, the consultant will go over your written work with you taking into account the requirements of the assignment and your skill level. After examining your written work, the consultant will advise you on areas of strength and weakness of the assignment and may offer you suggestions for revision. Students do not have to have a finished paper in order to visit Writing Works. Bring an outline, bring some notes, or just bring any ideas you have for your paper/project. Tutors are happy to “think aloud” with you as you begin the writing process. Writing Works can help with:

  • Clarity
  • Sentence and Paragraph Development
  • Expressiveness
  • Flow
  • Thesis Development
  • Logic of Argument
  • Word choice, punctuation, grammar (on a limited basis – see below)
  • Introductions
  • Transitions
  • Conclusions

Please note that Writing Works is NOT a proof-reading service. This means that the tutors cannot make corrections on a line-by-line basis. Appointments will be most productive if students come with particular issues in regard to their papers, along with any prompts or instructions from the professor. Also note that it is School of Theology policy to prohibit any editorial assistance with examinations, therefore Writing Works tutors cannot consult with students in this area. You may send your paper in advance to the Writing Works email. If they have time, your tutor will look over your writing before the meeting.

How many appointments can I make?

Appointments are divided into 30-minute slots. Students may sign up for up to two (2) 30-minute slots per week. They may be scheduled consecutively or separately. Students may also “walk-in” for an additional two thirty-minute slots during the week if the calendar is empty. In total, students are limited to two scheduled 30-minute appointments, and/or 2 “walk-in” appointments per week. Students may not sign up for more than two 30-minute slots per week; if this occurs, any additional appointments will be canceled at the discretion of the tutors. This ensures that as many students as possible have access to the Writing Works assistance. If you are 10 minutes late for your assigned slot, this constitutes a missed appointment and the tutors will proceed to see walk-ins in your place. To sign up for an appointment, click on the link below and sign in with your BU username and Kerberos password. To book your appointment, choose the date and time you’re available, and click the corresponding box on the calendar. We look forward to seeing you and working through your papers!

Writing Works Sign-Up Calendar

Peer Editing Network

The Peer Editing Network (PEN) allows students from the School of Theology who are seeking editing help with written assignments to connect with STH volunteer peer editors. The goal of PEN is to help foster community support by connecting students through a volunteer opportunity within the STH community. This program will also help alleviate the stress of students who are seeking help with editing on a regular basis. Please read the instructions below if you are interested in participating either as a peer editor or if you are interested in receiving editing support.


Volunteer Peer Editors

Students who are willing to serve as peer editors need to enter their name and email address on a school-wide GoogleDoc that is open to all STH students at the following link: Peer Editing Network If you sign up to serve as a peer editor and are currently unable to help serve as a peer editor because you are either already editing a paper or are temporarily unable to commit please indicate this on the GoogleDoc under the column that asks about availability. It will be up to each student to edit their availability.

Students Seeking Editing Help

Students who need peer editing will be responsible for contacting a volunteer peer editor on their own, based on the availability indicated on the GoogleDoc and by using the email address listed. The person receiving peer-editing support is required to make an appointment with the editor at least 2 days (48 hours) prior to when the paper will be edited. The peer editor will spend between 1-2 hours in the designated time editing the paper either electronically or in person. Once the student seeking peer editing help has confirmed that the peer editor volunteer will be able to work with the student, the student will need to enter the following information into the spreadsheet on the second page of the GoogleDoc: their name, the name of the peer editor, date of editing, indicate if the editing will take place in person or electronically, the title of the assignment, the title of the class and the name professor. Once the assignment has been edited the peer editor volunteer will need to let the student know. *Please note that there are two sheets on the GoogleDoc link. There is currently an example listed; please follow this as a guideline! To sign up either as a Peer Editor or for editing help through the Peer Editing Network please click the following link: Peer Editing Network


  • Students and Peer Editors will need to fill out the appropriate Peer Editing Network Consent Form and submit them to Laurel Oberstadt-Petrik (see forms below)
  • Editors will have the option to do electronic editing tracking changes and making suggestions or to meet in person with the student to go over the editing
  • Editors have the right to decline to edit a paper
  • Editors need to communicate to the student seeking editing as soon as possible if they are unable to edit their paper

PEN Consent Form for Students

PEN Consent Form for Peer Editors

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Laurel Oberstadt-Petrik at oplaurel@bu.edu. 

Peer Reading Network

The Peer Reading Network connects students who learn and read best when processing readings for class with other people. Through the Peer Reading Network, students can find the contact information for their peers who want to learn in this way as well. After that, students can set up in-person or online meetings to discuss a text that they read at the same time.

Please read the instructions below to connect to other students using the Peer Reading Network:

  • Students who want to use Peer Readers need to sign up through the school-wide Google Document. Please include your name, e-mail, availability, courses, and any additional information you want to include. It is important to include your information so that others can contact you.
  • Contact peers on the list in similar classes to you and find a time to meet, in person or online.
  • Update your class information each semester, so your peers know what classes you may have in common.

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