BUSTH DMin Student Published in New Haven Register

This article was originally published on Friday, February 5, 2021 by the New Haven Register

Faith Matters: Our differences are real, but it doesn’t mean they’re insurmountable

By Rev. Jordan Lenaghan

I was ordained a Catholic priest more than a quarter-century ago. I left my studies in 1996 with a solid, classical theological foundation. I had studied systematic theology, dogmatic theology, church history, sacred scripture, liturgics and canon law. I had completed courses in pastoral practice and preaching. I studied Latin, Greek and Hebrew — along with a semester in Arabic. I received a fine education and it has served me well in the variety of ministries that I have undertaken over the last 25 years. I am indebted to those who taught me.

A few years ago, however, I felt the desire to return once more to formal studies. My previous education had given me answers, but after years in the priesthood I discovered that I had new questions. I decided to return to theological school. But this time, I wanted a program in which the coursework would have an immediate impact on my ministry. I wanted to study practical theology and I wanted to do it in an ecumenical setting.

As a result, and with the blessing of my local religious superior, I decided to enter the Doctor of Ministry program at the Boston University School of Theology. It has been an amazing experience. I’m part of an academic community that counts among its members Martin Luther King Jr., Howard Thurman and Anna Howard Shaw.

I’ve studied congregation analysis, ministry and social media, and the history of the social gospel. I have learned how to apply BU’s approach to transformational leadership – to identify problems, articulate a coherent theological response and craft tools “to bridge the gap.” I’ve seen it work.

But more than any of the courses, the greatest blessing of this program – and the one for which I thank God frequently – is the relationships I have formed with three members of my cohort. The four of us have formed a unique bond as we go through the program together. We all are clergy, though ordained in different traditions. But rather than an impediment, our differences have enriched our friendship.

Kristy is an ordained pastor in the United Church of Christ. She serves a community in the suburbs of Boston that has worshiped together since the colonial period. She is selfless and has seemingly endless energy. She is supportive, kind, and has an easy laugh. Her faith and concern for people never fail to impress me. She reminds me to look out for those in need, especially when they are present but invisible in the communities I serve.

Brian is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister. He leads a UU congregation in Kentucky. He is brilliant and witty. He has exposed me to a tradition that values human maturity and emotional integration as fundamental goods. Who knew that throwing pottery could be a religious activity? He reminds me to be honest and authentic at all times both with myself as well as with others.

Finally, Charlotte is an Anglican priest. She serves a university church in England. She has a deep faith – frankly, one that I envy. It is a faith that expresses itself in a passion for social justice. She is kind and caring, but what most impresses me is her integrity. She reminds me what deep, engaged Christian faith looks like when it calls for systemic change in the world.

I write these things not as simply an encomium to my friends. Instead, my experience of these relationships presents a moment to engage in pastoral theology. We live in a society that is increasingly fractured. We retreat. We build towers and walls. Hectoring voices tell us that if someone is different, they’re dangerous. Increasingly, we only associate with those who think, believe, look and act just like us.

We need to find new ways to forge community in the midst of difference. Our differences are real but it doesn’t mean they’re insurmountable. They can be enriching rather than alienating. If a Catholic priest, an Anglican priest, a Unitarian Universalist minister and a United Church of Christ pastor can find friendship while studying at a Methodist theological school, then it can be done. And I am, at least, a better priest, Christian and person because of it!

We’ve done it. So can you.

The Rev. Jordan Lenaghan, OP, is chaplain at Albertus Magnus College

See the original article