N.E. Conference Commission on Archives and History

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The archival depository for the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church is located at the Boston University School of Theology Library. The New England Conference Commission on Archives and History collection focuses on the history of the United Methodist Church in New England, with Conference Journals, church records, and archived records of conference boards and agencies, along with Methodist-related social and service organization records. Commission materials, especially journals and church records, are listed online. The listing in these pages is complete except for information notes on parish history. Listed here is information for those depositing items into our archives and researchers looking for information on our holdings.

Organize and Deposit Records to the School of Theology Archives

If your church is closing, the Book of Discipline states that you must send your records to the Annual Conference Archives. Below is a video presentation on Records Management and Your Church. The handout slides can be found by clicking the slide image below