Research Inquiries

From our Archives and Research collection, the above picture is a leaf from a Latin Vulgate Bible from France, dating from 1240AD.

Making Research Inquiries

Thank you for contacting the Boston University School of Theology Library Archives. Please read the text below in its entirety to understand this year’s access policies for the Archives and Research Collections for the BU School of Theology Library.

Reference Inquiries must be sent to the Archivist and Special Collections Librarian, John Coelho at

Access For Boston University Students, Faculty, and Staff

Appointments are required for access. Please contact the Archivist and Special Collections Librarian.

Access For Non-BU Community members

Inquiries from the public are welcome via email or by using the “Ask The Archivist” form to submit their inquiries. Please allot 2-4 weeks for a response by the Archivist.

If you need access to any of the STH Archives holdings, including but not limited to, New England Annual Conference church records, STH Archives, and other collections, please contact the Archivist and Special Collections Librarian. Ask for scans of specific folders in our archival collections or chapter(s) from a book in our Special Collections. Search for archival material here, and for research collections through Boston University Libraries Search catalog.

Please be aware that it may take 4-6 weeks to receive a response to your inquiry.


Set up a Zoom reference interview to discuss your research topic, resources required, how to find resources online.

Research Collections Access

All books are non-circulating and must remain in library at all times during use. Books can be accessed at the following days and at the following times.

The School of Theology Archives, located within the School of Theology Library, collects, preserves, and provides access to records of enduring, historical value relating to, or created by, the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Boston University School of Theology. Additionally, the School of Theology Archives includes personal papers collections, art collections, priceless special collections, and more. Click here to search our archival collections.

Our Archival staff fields on average 250 questions per year, from genealogical inquiries to requests to see artifact collections. To submit a research inquiry, please contact the Archivist & Special Collections Librarian.

Genealogical Inquiries

We look forward to your genealogical research questions. Please be advised that due to volume of requests for ancestral information that the Archivist can only spend 20 minutes searching for records in the archives.

New England Conference Commission on Archives, School of Theology Collections, and Personal Papers Inquiries

Research inquiries regarding the New England Conference Commission on Archives and History records, the Boston University School of Theology records, personal papers, and artifact collections will be given more time. This is especially true if you are conducting research for a book or dissertation.