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Presenters and Panelists

Joseph Chilton Pearce was born on January 14, 1926 in Pineville, KY.  He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II.  He graduated with a BA from College of William and Mary, received a Master of Arts degree from Indiana University, and did post-graduate studies at Geneva Theological College.

Mr. Pearce is a father of five, grandfather of twelve, and great grandfather of one, at last count.

He has taught college humanities until the mid-1960s, and claims not to have made an honest living since, writing and lecturing instead.  Along this line, he has published eight books to date and has numerous essays published in several anthologies.  A number of foreign translations have been made of his work, most recently in Russian.

Mr. Pearce has made some 2000 public addresses over the last 35 years, has been a guest lecturer in most major universities here and abroad, and has completed lecture tours of some twelve countries outside the U.S.

His major topic concerns development of intelligence in children, and the spiritual aspects of our species in general.  His major focus has been on the biological nature of the mind-heart connection.

Mr. Pearce has been on several advisory boards of various organizations, “wherein I have never been asked for and/or have avoided ever giving advice or being of any service whatsoever, which is standard procedure for advisory boards.”  He can be reached via email at pearcej@stone.net

[Mr. Pearce adds a postscript: “I can distinguish red from green lights, read stop signs, have kept out of jail for 81 years and have other accomplishments as well.”]

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