Quick Start

Available to: Departments

Cost: There is an initial startup cost. The department pays for hardware, licenses, and first year’s maintenance; IS&T pays for annual maintenance thereafter.

Information Security relies on Cisco firewall technology to protect servers that contain HIPAA and Payment Card Industry (PCI) data, as well as servers located at the University Data Center. If your server, application, or database is deemed critical or sensitive, contact us to schedule a meeting to assess your firewall and security management needs.


A firewall secures the network against hacker attempts by restricting access to specific sources and protocols. Your data and business and research interests are protected.

Key Features

  • Blocks unauthorized access; permits authorized communications
  • Inbound and outbound traffic monitoring
  • Maintains audit logs
  • Site-to-site Virtual Private Network (VPN)



Getting Started

Contact us to request access to a restricted server or to request that access to your server be restricted.