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There are 2 comments on Microsoft’s Andrea Taylor Named University Trustee

  1. With all due respect to Dr. Taylor and her many respectable accomplishments on the world stage, I find it disconcerting to have a Microsoft employee on the board of trustees. What, exactly, does it mean that she will “make sure the curriculum stays relevant to technological advances”? The only “education” in which I could find Microsoft engaged involved training people on how to use their software in order to create new markets into which they can spread their monopoly.

    This is not the sort of education the world needs. If they want to make a difference, Microsoft needs to support basic science and mathematics education in a platform-agnostic way, no strings attached. Let’s not inflict a Windows tax on the rest of the world’s development.

  2. My comments are directed more to the question submittted on Tue 10/27/2009 ~ 11:56 am e.g. “What does Microsoft know about Education?” in regard to questioning the appointment of Andrea Hardman-Taylor,BS. MA. PhD [Ed] to the Board of Trustees at Boston University. Simply put, there are three relevant thoughts worthy of recording: 1) Boston University could not have made a wiser, nor more strategic choice in appointing Dr Andrea Taylor whose academic, philanthropic & social engineering activities are based on a familial tradition extending back three or more generations. Her mother, Dr Della Brown Taylor Hardman was a university professor who, among other academic achievements & eliamosynary activities, mentored the current President of the United States. And her grandfather, Mr Anderson Brown, imbued a sense of community responsibility to their entire family in and around Kanawha County & Chas.WV based on real estate holdings & business acumen. 2) Pointedly, Microsoft was both prescient & fortunate to have Dr Andrea Taylor head up one of its philanthropic divisions dedicated to domestic & international education, areas in which she is without peer. And,finally,3) I would like to suggest that Microsoft knows full-well how “to make a difference”…full-well how”to support basic science and mathematics” & the suggestion that “strings are attached” or in some way Windows can be nefariously “taxing” or that a “platform-agnostic” approach is circuitously to be sought are flawed premises &/or mis-matched metaphors, perhaps advanced by an odd competing corporate interest or observer. The overall outcome could not be better: Boston University’s Education endeavor is advanced; Microsoft’s many related missions are advanced & both Institutions are strengthened by this thoughtful appointment of Andrea Taylor as a Trustee of the former. Kudos & accolades are due to all involved.
    John C. Norman MD DSc.[Hon]
    Harvard ’50,’54
    281 Hunters’ Ridge Road
    Concord MA 01742-4717

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