• Susan Seligson

    Susan Seligson has written for many publications and websites, including the New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic, the Boston Globe, Yankee, Outside, Redbook, the Times of London, Salon.com, Radar.com, and Nerve.com. Profile

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There are 3 comments on Miles of Sandy Shore a T Ride Away

  1. What exactly does ethnicity have to do with an article about the beach? I’m trying to put my finger on what it is that I find offensive about this article…It feels like you’re calling ethnic people “common”, and if that is something that just didn’t strike you as you were writing this article than perhaps some better editing by BUtoday is needed. Not to mention the fact that Revere Beach is actually kind of gross.

  2. Thanks for the comment. The article isn’t about “the beach” but Revere Beach and its international flavor. (And we’re all “ethnic” people.) Also, the beach is far from “gross.” It’s lovely. You should go.

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