• Barbara Moran

    Barbara Moran, Senior Science Writer

    Barbara Moran is a science writer in Brookline, Mass. Profile

  • Robin Berghaus

    Robin Berghaus Profile

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There are 2 comments on Why We Are Fat

  1. Thanks for the article. This was an amazing insight into a very cool area of science by an obviously brilliant and exceptional individual. Yes, I am running out of superlatives :)

  2. I have put my fibromyalgia into remission, my arthritis is down to a manageable dull roar and I have lost 95+ lbs by removing processed foods from my diet. I discovered thru my own research that I have food intolerances and by removing those food items from my diet I regained my health- and returned to cooking fresh foods for myself. My father died of esophagael cancer and I had GERD for my entire life starting as a child (thin) until this diet change.. He also had type 2 diabetes. I have been scared of following in his footsteps- now I am not!! I am going back to school-at 40!! to get my bachelor’s in kinesiology so I can help people with exercise and nutrition. I couldn’t exercise until I got the inflammation in my body under control. (I was a college track athlete exercise is my friend and I missed it dearly while I was disabled by my health)

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