• Jessica Ullian (GRS’09)

    Jessica Ullian (GRS’09) Profile

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There are 4 comments on STH Student Tackles Questions of Faith, Through Comics

  1. Great article. Thanks BU Today. I think comic books, and many modern cultural/entertainment enterprises grapple with ambiguity in a way that religious mythology does not. For example, how do we read the bible? Andrew Tripp seems to extol the literal reading when it comes to caring for the poor, but how about Adam and Eve, or the parting of the Red Sea? Does he take those claims literally as well? How about Jesus’s claim “I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword” (Matthew 10:34)? Most scripture claims to be “the truth,” but it has no answers when the apparent contradictions in the stories arise.

    Comic books, on the other hand, seem to take an existentialist view on matters of right and wrong. I read Spider Man comics growing up, and sometimes Peter Parker faces situations where there is just is no “right” answer. There’s just a Hobson’s choice. That type of situation, along with tragedy, speaks volumes to the human condition, and gets to the heart of the matter so much more so than scripture.

    1. Re: “Does he take those claims literally as well?”
      “When Scripture’s only read as a book of truth statements, it reduces it. What’s important isn’t one side or the other; it’s the discussion,” he says. “When people have that conversation, the many different voices and many different minds will have a greater wisdom than any one could have.”

  2. Sacred scriptures of any type reveals and conceals. I tend to watch ” He-Man and She-Ra” late at nite on qubo network, I find the same personal truth. You can be like your heroes (Christ, Buddah, Mohammed etc.)minus “good and bad labels”

  3. He can’t be Thor, but he can be Iron Man? He clearly does not get that Thor’s development is one of losing selfishness and seeing the worth in “mere mortals”. Iron Man is someone who sees his own mistakes and moves his life in another direction, which is admirable. But Thor is a man who has everything and could live a happy, selfish life, but then he sees the value in humanity and wants to protect earth. He sees the value in those “less” than him and then helps them. I think that is a lot closer to the concept of serving the poor than anything regarding Iron Man. Tripp needs to read some more comics.

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