• John O’Rourke

    Editor, BU Today

    John O'Rourke

    John O’Rourke began his career as a reporter at The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. He has worked as a producer at World Monitor, a coproduction of the Christian Science Monitor and the Discovery Channel, and NBC News, where he was a producer for several shows, including Now with Tom Brokaw and Katie CouricNBC Nightly News, and The Today Show. John has won many awards, including four Emmys, a George Foster Peabody Award, and five Edward R. Murrow Awards. Profile

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There are 4 comments on Remembering the First World War

    1. Unfortunately, the only part of the exhibit that is open on weekends is the collection of posters in the Gotlieb Memorial Gallery is open during regular business hours on the weekend but the Richards-Frost room is only open during the week and closes at 4:15 p.m.

  1. Lucas King was my great uncle, my grandmother’s much loved elder brother, and I am currently writing up his life story, which led me to your page. I have many letters that he wrote to my grandmother. I know that Lucas’s brother Cecil left all his papers in your archive and I am wondering what exactly you have of Lucas, e.g. are there dozens of lettersfrom him, or only the two that you quoted from above, and how could I get copies of them?

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