• Susan Seligson

    Susan Seligson has written for many publications and websites, including the New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic, the Boston Globe, Yankee, Outside, Redbook, the Times of London, Salon.com, Radar.com, and Nerve.com. Profile

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There are 8 comments on Zuckoff Chronicles Benghazi Attack in 13 Hours

  1. One has to wonder, why a country (USA) maintained an embassy in a country that was undergoing a revolution?; and why any US citizen would want to be there?

  2. King Anonymous, Benghazi was not an embassy, it was a diplomatic post.

    Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee did not have good things to say about the claims in the book:

    His committee (and all other investigations) have found there was no stand down order – “The problem is what happened was the commander on the ground, this guy they’re calling Bob, when these folks came up, they got in the vehicle and said, ‘we made a promise, we’re going,’ he said, ‘wait a minute. I need to figure out a, what’s going on and b, if I can get you any better weapons and maybe even some help to go,” Rogers explained, adding, “it was the commander on the ground making the decision. I think it took 23 minutes before they all, including that commander, by the way, got in a car and went over and rescued those individuals.” “Bob” went with these guys – they left that out of the Fox piece.

    Mike Rodgers also said this – “The lawyers asked that none of their testimony be released until after their book was out and being sold,” he said. “I think you have lawyers who have a financial interest in this certainly making allegations that are far from true.”

    1. Justice,

      So what was US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans doing outside an embassy. They must have had a death wish.

      I agree that lawyers have a financial interest and do authors.

  3. After seeing these three men on FOX and the way they answered the question by Bret Bayer and the motion on their faces, I find their story very believable. This administration shoul;d be forced to debate with these brave men. The truth is right in front of your face but getting the truth out is like pulling teeth. When the movie comes out these men should be, at a minimum, vdvisors. This will be a must see.

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