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There are 5 comments on Despite Looser Marijuana Laws, No Spike in Teen Use

  1. There is no evidence that marijuana is harmful to teenagers. Some are dependent on it, yes, but the fact that some people depend on it is a pretty perverse reason for taking it away. It protects against the effects of severe and chronic stress, and that is what’s responsible for all of the harms spuriously associated with marijuana use. Once childhood trauma is controlled for, all associations between marijuana use and mental or brain health problems disappear. It’s time to start basing policy on evidence, not ignorant assumptions.

  2. Legalization, regulation makes it harder for underaged kids to get access to cannabis. Black market sellers do not adhere to any laws or regulations, but legal sellers do. The logic is simple and irrefutable.

  3. What sort of message are you sending when the kids see Authority figures blatantly lying to them? The “message to the kids” rhetoric is Red Herring. After alcohol prohibition was repealed, it became harder to get a drink because the industry was now being operated by legitimate business people who abided with the laws and regs.
    If they really cared for the children they’d legalize and regulate marijuana. If they really wanted to keep any substance out of the hands of “The Children” they first must take control of distribution away from black market dealers. They haven’t accomplished that in 40+ years at a taxpayers cost in the hundreds of billions. It’s time to treat marijuana as we do alcohol. My 30 year old still gets “carded ” when buying alcohol, yet your 13 year old can buy anything the black market dealer has, for a price, whether it be money or “something else”. FACT: Your kids have a better chance dying at the hands of someone enforcing marijuana laws than they do from ingesting it. (ZERO %).

  4. It is interesting that those who get fat government grants for treating Marijuana “abuse” are the only ones who see this terrible problem. In the 14 years since Colorado passed amendment 20 and the 4 years since amendment 64, Colorado has actually seen decreased alcoholism, traffic deaths and improved or unchanged SAT scores

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