Turbofan noise
One source of noise created by a turbofan engine comes from the interaction of the fan rotor wakes with the downstream exit guide vanes (EGV). This fluid-structure interaction,creates both tonal and broadband noise. The long term goal of the current research is twofold. First to develop realistic low-order methods for predicting broadband noise that can be used in design. Second, to assess the viability of using CFD (unsteady RANS) vs LES as part of a prediction method for fan broadband noise.
Presentation to the AARC (Aeroacoustics Research Consortium) (2020, 2021) highlight recent findings. The analysis was supported by undergraduate student Tyler Ramsarran and PhD student Noah Li.
Most recently, a collaboration with 3Ds (formerly EXA) has enabled a project through which we are trying to probe the large data set generated via an LBM/VLES of the fan stage to learn more about the gap flow than is possible from the limited experimental data. Multiple papers have been published related to this work. Check out the publications section of the website.
NEW FAA_ASCENT project in collaboration with UTRC : Started 9/1/2020.
Much more information regarding the early stages of this project (with some cool video of CFD results) is available at this site.
Personnel: Professor Sheryl Grace, and Douglas Sondak and many grad students and post docs over the past 5 years.
This is an overview presentation of the work.
- The computed flow field around 2 rotors and 5 stators (a simulation of a 22X55 fan stage) is shown in this visual.
The comparison of experimental and predicted acoustic spectra downstream of the fan stage is great. Simulation for the Source Diagnotic Test baseline vanes at approach wheel speed.