Application Process

Application Forms

Due to the large volume of applications and our processing requirements, UROP deadlines are strict. Late applications must be approved by UROP staff in advance, and extensions longer than 24 hours are rarely granted.

Fall 2024 Application Deadline
Thursday, September 12 by 12:00 PM

* Award determinations for Fall 2024 will be released by early October. 

Submission Deadlines

Learn when applications for the UROP program are due.

Application guidelines and deadlines

It is only necessary to submit an application if you are applying for funding from UROP. To apply to work with a specific mentor, please contact that mentor directly. If you are interested in conducting research for credit, contact your major department.

Two separate online components are required to apply for UROP funding:

  1. Student application
  2. Recommendation letter from the research mentor

Your application will be evaluated by several faculty members, and not all of them will be experts in your field. It’s important that you write your application in general terms and explain technical details. You should discuss your proposal extensively with your research mentor. It’s also a good idea to ask a friend who is unfamiliar with your proposed research to review the application and highlight areas of confusion.

The UROP staff is available to provide feedback and suggestions; contact our office to request an application review. (No reviews will be conducted the day before or the day of the deadline.) Remember, your research mentor should be your primary source of advice.

These sections must be completed on all applications:

  • Applicant information
  • Project title
  • Project description and goals
  • Project significance
  • Methodology
  • Timeline
  • Background experience
  • Bibliography
  • Funds requested
  • Safety training

Complete the following sections only if they apply to your project:

  • Appendix (i.e., graphs, charts, data sheets)—Do not use this section to continue text from any other section. There’s no guarantee that the appendix will be read by the reviewers. The appendix is limited to two pages.
  • Request for continued funding—Complete this section if you have previously received UROP funding, even if you are changing projects with the same mentor or changing to a new mentor.
  • Any application for research involving human or animal subjects must include a copy of the IRB or IACUC approval letter (the complete protocol is not necessary). Only submit relevant pages; this section is limited to two pages.

Note: The first page of the UROP application includes optional, anonymous questions regarding GPA and ethnic background. This information is used only for statistical purposes within the UROP office and is not seen by the review committee. Thus, this information does not impact the rating of your application. We use these data to evaluate trends in UROP participation. We are also asked to report some of these data to granting agencies when we seek additional funds to support UROP programs.

Note: If more than one student in a given faculty member’s research group is applying for UROP funds to work on a closely related project, each student must complete their own application addressing both the project as a whole and their individual contribution to that work. If both students will be working on the same project, each application must make this clear and describe the individual applicant’s role in the project. You may not submit identical or near-identical applications.

Note: Though funding is not guaranteed, successful applications typically:
(i) present a clear research plan that addresses the hypothesis being tested or research question being studied
(ii) define the applicant’s role in the project. If more than one student is applying with the same research group, applicants should describe what makes the project unique from other projects within the research group.
(iii) include research methods that go beyond a simple collection of data
(iv) have a realistic timeline and methodology
(v) provide evidence of an established relationship between student and mentor
(vi) describe the significance of the project in layperson’s terms

Note: Letters of recommendation are considered confidential and will not be shared with students.