Special Awards

Arts Research Award – in collaboration with the BU Arts Initiative, supports summer research in the arts.

Clare Boothe Luce Award – supports summer research in the sciences, open to female U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents.

Corporate Awards – funded by corporate partners, may only be available to certain awardees.

Erskine Award – supports summer research in Neurobiology.

Humanities, Arts, and Preprofessional (HAP) Scholars Award – supports research in the humanities, arts, and certain preprofessional disciplines.

Loren E. Wold Research Awards – supports summer research in the biological sciences, open to Biology majors working in research labs of faculty in the Department of Biology and other departments in the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Medicine, or the School of Public Health, and students from other majors working in Department of Biology laboratories.

Nelson Research Award – supports summer research in communications.

Newbury Center Award – supports first-generation college students doing undergraduate research.

Provost’s Scholars Awards — Applicants must be second-semester sophomores with a 3.0 GPA or higher and a record of taking on intellectual challenges.

Riemen Prize – supports summer research in the sciences, award alternates annually between students working with faculty members from CAS Chemistry one year and  Biology the next.