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Applied Ethics
(other than Bioethics)

The papers indexed below were given at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998. Additional papers may be added to this section as electronic versions are aquired and formatted for the archive. These papers will be listed for a period of time at the What's New? page.

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Applied Ethics
(other than Bioethics)
Author's Name Affiliation Paper Title
Fahmina Ahmed Jahangirnagar University Morality of Population Control of Bangladesh
William W. Clohesy   Untimely Thoughts on the Public Market
David Crocker University of Maryland at College Park International Development Ethics
Dan Egonsson Lund University The Importance of Being Human
Frank Fair Sam Houton State University Trading Lives: Consequentialism, Deontology, and Inevitable Trade-offs
Christopher B. Gray Concordia University Paideia, Schole, Paidia: Then and Now
Carlos Kohn W. Universidad Central de Venezuela Las Antinomias de la Democracia Liberal Spanish
Louis Logister University of Nijmegen In Search of a Methodological Foundation for Applied Ethics
John Ozolins   Surrogacy: Exploitation or Violation of Intimacy?
Walter Pfannkuche Technische Universität Berlin Gibt es ein Recht auf Arbeit? GermanS.gif (1010 bytes)
Frits Schipper   Rethinking Efficiency
Roy Weatherford   A Non-Pacifist Argument Against Capital Punishment
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Managing Editor: Stephen Dawson

Page Created: March 22, 1999
Last Modified: June 15, 2000


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