The twentieth world congress of philosophy official logo


Paideia: Philosophy Educating Humanity

Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A.
August 10-16, 1998

For program details,
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Also see: Congress Organizers and Opening and Closing

Information on the Congress is also available in:

French || Spanish || German || Russian

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Main Theme - Paideia: Philosophy Educating Humanity

The Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy promises to be large and rich beyond any precedent, in ways to be detailed below.

The Congress will be open to the full diversity that characterizes our discipline across regions and traditions. Many philosophical societies will meet under its aegis, as befits the constitution of FISP, a worldwide federation of societies. In keeping with longstanding tradition, individual members are also invited to submit papers for the various sections and to propose round tables.

We depart from tradition by putting greater emphasis on topical invited sessions. The specific topics for many of these sessions have yet to be determined, but there will be sessions on many of the topics now under discussion in one or another of the traditional areas of our field: aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, philosophy of education, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and social, political, and legal philosophy; as well as topics in such newer areas as Afro-American philosophy, applied ethics, and gender issues.

A list of invited program events is available. The invited program alone will demonstrate the remarkable richness and diversity of the Twentieth World Congress.

Contributed Papers and Proposals

There are four venues for individuals to make a contribution to the Congress. One may contribute: 1) section papers, 2) round table proposals, 3) poster session theses, and/or 4) papers by members within the internal structure of individual society meetings. The first three categories are handled by the AOC, Inc.

The schedule for specific days on which contributed paper sections meet is available. Meetings of sections for paper presentations have been scheduled either on a single day or over the course of two or three consecutive days.

Sections for Contributed Papers

Metaphysics Ontology
Theory of Knowledge Logic and Philosophy of Logic
Theoretical Ethics Bioethics and Medical Ethics
Other Applied Ethics Philosophy of Values
Moral Psychology Aesthetics and Philosophy of the Arts
Philosophy of Education Philosophical Methodology
Philosophical Anthropology Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Mathematics Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Action
Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of History
Philosophy of Culture Philosophy and Gender
Philosophy of Sport Philosophy in Africa
Philosophy in Asia Philosophy in Latin America
American Philosophy Comparative Philosophy
Ancient Philosophy Medieval Philosophy
Modern Philosophy Contemporary Philosophy
Philosophy of Mind Philosophy and Cognitive Science
Persons and Personal Identity Philosophy of Law
Social Philosophy Political Philosophy
Human Rights Philosophy and Literature
Philosophy and the Environment Philosophy and Children
Teaching Philosophy Philosophy of Economics
Philosophy of Interpretation

Round Tables

Organizers are responsible for:

  • securing and confirming round table participants,
  • informing participants that Congress registration is required,
  • and arranging the distribution of materials related to their round table.

Please note, as the published abstracts and final program booklets will not be mailed in advance of the meeting, round table organizers are responsible for pre-Congress communications with participants.

Two formats have traditionally prevailed at Congresses. In the first, a main speaker talks for about 30 minutes, followed by a 15 minute commentary, and a number of shorter statements of opinion; the rest of the time would be given over to general discussion. An alternative format involves three 20 minute papers on different aspects of the theme, then to be followed by general discussion.

The full listing for round table meetings is available. Information concerning participants and their institutional affiliations will be updated periodically as these details are provided to Congress organizers.

Societies and Associations

The full listing of society meetings is available. Information concerning speakers and their institutional affiliations will be updated periodically as these details are provided to Congress organizers.

The Master Schedule is available.

Boston University and, in the distance, Boston's skyline from the Charles River

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Paideia logo design by Janet L. Olson.
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Managing Editor: Helmut Wautischer