Study Abroad Privacy Notices – Students

Boston University understands that storing and tracking personal information is a sensitive topic, and it is committed to safeguarding privacy. Boston University collects and processes certain types of personal information from prospective and enrolled students and their families in connection with its Study Abroad programs. This privacy notice explains what information is collected, how it is used and how the University safeguards it. You should contact your Study Abroad site director, or BU Study Abroad with any questions or concerns regarding this policy.

Whose Information Is Collected?

Boston University collects information about Study Abroad applicants and participants (referred to herein as “students”), as well as their family members or guardians.

What Information Is Collected?

Boston University collects:

  • Contact information for students and their family members or guardians, including names, titles, telephone numbers, email addresses;
  • Travel documents for students, including passport and visa information, and the like;
  • Academic information for students, including information about school or college, grades, transcripts, coursework, and judicial sanctions;
  • Information and recommendations from faculty or advisors concerning the student’s performance and suitability for a particular program;
  • Information about students’ abilities and interests, including information used for housing and roommate placements and for identifying potential internship and other experiences and opportunities while abroad; this may include language ability, interests, skills, preferred work environment, strengths and weaknesses, prior employment experience, and the like;
  • Financial information of students and their families for students who seek a grant or scholarship to help fund the Study Abroad experience;
  • Information about students’ individual health conditions or needs, including physical or mental health conditions, treatment or prescriptions, allergies, limitations or necessary accommodations, dietary restrictions, and the like; and
  • Information about students’ disciplinary history, including any actual or potential violation of the Code of Student Responsibilities by the student or directed towards the student. Those types of incidents may require the University to collect sensitive information about the student, including about sexual orientation or sexual activities, use of drugs or alcohol, or religious or philosophical beliefs or issues.

Why Is Personal Information Collected?

Boston University is an institution of higher education that provides students with opportunities to expand their educational experience through Study Abroad or exchange programs. BU does not require its students to participate in BU Study Abroad programs to complete BU degree programs; participation by BU and non-BU students is voluntary. In order to provide a meaningful, engaging and safe experience, Boston University must collect personal information about students in its Study Abroad programs to permit the University to develop and administer academic programs, facilitate internships and other experiences, identify and provide housing arrangements, help students budget and pay for the Study Abroad experience, assess and provide any necessary accommodations for academic or living conditions, and to help students ensure a healthy and safe experience.

It is necessary for Boston University to collect each piece of personal information identified above to perform the contract to provide and support BU’s Study Abroad experiences. Students cannot be admitted into a Study Abroad or exchange programs without providing contact information, academic information described above, and the University cannot assess whether to award a grant or scholarship without the financial information described above. It is highly unlikely that the University can place students in an internship program without the information about abilities and interests described below. Students may decline to provide information about health conditions or any need for accommodations, but in that event the University will not be able to make accommodations and may require students to sign a waiver regarding health issues. Students enrolled in BU Study Abroad programs are bound to follow the University’s Code of Student Responsibilities and the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. The University will investigate and document all allegations of violations of those policies.

How Is Information Collected?

Information is collected through a variety of sources, which may include:

  • Student-provided information through print and online home and host institution applications or in response to questions posed by Study Abroad staff;
  • Internship providers;
  • University (or home school) application and matriculation information;
  • Study Abroad or exchange host school or university faculty and staff; and
  • Existing student educational records.

How is Collected Information Used?

Collected information is used only for purposes of BU operating its Study Abroad programs, including facilitating the educational experience and safety of students in Study Abroad programs.

Who has Access to Collected Information?

  • Boston University faculty and staff, including in Boston;
  • Internship providers;
  • Study Abroad or exchange host school faculty and staff;
  • Third-parties who provide services to participants in Study Abroad or exchange programs, which may include travel registries, insurers, local banks providing students with accounts, or local tour companies leading excursions;
  • Housing providers; and
  • Foreign governments to the extent required by law.

How is Information Stored and Secured?

Boston University uses University-managed, secure information technology systems to store electronic personal information, including systems such as Microsoft’s Office 365 that permit creating shared spaces that are accessible by BU faculty and staff at the relevant Study Abroad site and in Boston. BU employs appropriate administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect paper or other physical records that contain personal information, including locked offices and file cabinets. BU uses encrypted SecureMail for Restricted Use information that is subject to the University’s Data Protection Standards.

How Long Is Information Saved?

Boston University maintains records as specified in its Record Retention Policy and the accompanying Record Retention Table.

Correcting Information

Students, including those in Study Abroad programs, may request changes to their educational records as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.


If you have questions or concerns about the use of your personal data please contact your Study Abroad site director, or BU Study Abroad with any questions or concerns regarding this policy.

Updates to this Notice

The University may change this Privacy Notice from time to time. If the University makes any significant changes in the way it treats your personal information, the updated notice will be posted on the University’s website.