Summer Term

Graduate Medical Sciences Policy

A GMS student is allowed to use the University facilities only during the summer terms in which they are registered.

PhD Students

A student enrolled in a PhD program in GMS who is engaged in full-time research during the summer term as an essential component of their graduate degree program is eligible for Summer Research Registration Status. This eligibility is a no-cost mechanism whereby graduate students who are engaged in academic research during the summer can be appropriately registered as students for purposes of loan eligibility and tax considerations. Students seeking Summer Research Registration Status should complete and submit a PhD Summer Research Status Registration Form online to the GMS Registrar. This registration status will not generate a tuition charge. The form includes a certification of full-time study that will document the student’s commitment to research during the summer. By signing the forms, the department or program vouches that the student will be doing research full-time for the twelve (12) weeks of the Summer I and Summer II sessions. GMS will enter the registration status on the student’s record. Forms should be submitted before the beginning of the Summer II session. The form is available on the GMS website.

Summer Research Registration Status is available only for PhD students continuing their studies in the fall. This status does not satisfy the mandatory registration for the final two (2) terms during which degree requirements are completed, thus a student planning to graduate on the August graduation date must register and pay the continuing student fee for the Summer II term.

MA and MS Students

A student enrolled in an MA or MS program is not required to register for the summer terms unless it is a requirement of their program. A student may choose to register for Summer I and/or Summer II depending on the planned completion of the degree.