Seminar in Biology

CAS BI 582

Undergraduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. - Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. Open to seniors and graduate students concentra ting in biology. - Informal discussion and student reports on subjects of current interest based on an intensive study of the literature. Topics and prerequisites vary. Not for Biology major or minor credit unless two sections of BI 581/582 are taken. Topic for Spring 2022, Section Z1: Professional Development for Biology PhDs (Pre- reqs: PhD standing; completion of qualifying exams). Explores topics related to a variety of career paths post-PhD. Topics may include Individual Development Plans (IDPs), career panels for industry, non-profit, or government jobs, oral/written presentation skills, and will be shaped by the preferences of students in the class.

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the MyBU Student Portal for the most up-to-date course information.