Environmentally Sustainable Development

CAS IR 304

  • Research and Information Literacy
  • Social Inquiry II

Traces the emergence of sustainable development as a defining challenge of our times. Surveys and evaluates approaches for balancing ecological sustainability and human development in various parts of the world and at the global level. Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry II, Research and Information Literacy.

FALL 2024 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Short EPC 209 TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm Mts w/EE304 Prereq: EC101

FALL 2024 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
B1 Short STO 453 T 3:35 pm-4:25 pm Mts w/EE304 B1

FALL 2024 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
B2 Short STO 453 W 1:25 pm-2:15 pm Mts w/EE304 B2

FALL 2024 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
B3 Short SHA 202 F 9:05 am-9:55 am Mts w/EE304 B3

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the Student Link for the most up-to-date course information.