Minor in History of Art & Architecture

Minors gain a foundational understanding of the history of art and architecture. The program requires a combination of wide-ranging gateway courses and classes in specific fields and periods. Minors are encouraged to take advantage of academic year and term study abroad programs.

Required Courses

All students choosing a minor in History of Art & Architecture are encouraged to take courses in a broad array of global art and architecture, but the options listed below allow students to concentrate in one of two major areas.

A total of five courses is required for each option, all of which must be completed with a grade of C or higher.

All required courses are 4 unit hours.

Minor in History of Art & Architecture

  • Two courses chosen from CAS AH 111, AH 112, AH 113, AH 114, and AH 210
  • Three other History of Art & Architecture (AH) courses, including at least two courses at the 300 level or higher

Minor with focus on Architectural History

  • CAS AH 111
  • CAS AH 201
  • CAS AH 398
  • Two other History of Art & Architecture (AH) courses on architectural history, including at least one course at the 300 level or higher.

For more information about minors, please see the Director of Undergraduate Studies.