Bachelor of Arts Degree Overview

All students in College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) undergraduate degree programs are subject to the general Boston University policies and regulations governing undergraduates stated in the Bulletin. In addition, CAS students are subject to the specific policies and regulations governing CAS degree programs. All CAS students are responsible for understanding these policies and acting in accordance with them. Further information and assistance is available in CAS Academic Advising at 100 Bay State Road, on the fourth floor.

College Program for the Liberal Arts & Sciences

Students in the College of Arts & Sciences earn the degree Bachelor of Arts (BA). The CAS College Program for the Liberal Arts & Sciences is designed to ensure that all students acquire the broad and deep base of skills, competence, and knowledge that is the mark of a liberally educated person and that prepares them for a successful and creative life. It provides ample opportunity for students to design their degree program in a manner that suits their particular interests, abilities, and aspirations. The degree requirements listed below reflect specific essential principles and goals of the CAS College Program.

Degree Requirements

The CAS College Program requires a minimum of 128 units, excluding PDP, ROTC, and CAS FY and SY courses.

BU Hub General Education Requirement

CAS students must complete all general education requirements in the BU Hub.

Second Language Requirement

A liberally educated person can communicate effectively in a global world. To this end, students are required to pursue study of a language other than English through the intermediate (fourth-term) level or to demonstrate equivalent proficiency.

Major Requirement

A liberally educated person possesses in-depth understanding and skills in a particular area of study. To this end, students are required to complete either an existing CAS major, usually consisting of 9 to 16 courses, or an independent major.

Additional Requirements for Graduation from CAS

Minimum Grade Requirement

A grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in academic coursework is required for graduation. Students may offer for the degree no more than four courses (16 units) with a grade of D. Courses taken to satisfy major and minor requirements must receive a grade of at least C.

Seven-Year Rule

The BA program must be completed within seven years after a student first matriculates, either at Boston University or at another institution.

Residency Requirement

Boston University students who enter as first-year students must complete a minimum of 68 Boston University units for the undergraduate program. Boston University students who enter as transfer students must complete a minimum of 60 Boston University units for the undergraduate program. More than that minimum may be required for completion of a student’s chosen program of study. For CAS students, courses used to satisfy specific major requirements must be completed within CAS, within another Boston University school or college if allowed by the relevant major, or at another accredited college or university and approved by the relevant CAS department or program. Further, CAS students must complete at least four principal courses for the major in CAS; some departments or programs may require more. “Boston University units” include those earned in Boston University summer courses and Boston University study abroad programs.

The student is also advised to review Academic Progress and Graduation.

Additional Options


CAS students are not required to have a minor field of study. But they may choose to take advantage of the many optional minors (usually 5–6 courses providing a systematic introduction to a discipline or interdisciplinary field) that are offered both within CAS and across Boston University’s undergraduate professional schools and colleges.

Core Curriculum

The Core Curriculum is an integrated curriculum in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences that provides a strong intellectual foundation for any undergraduate major or professional pursuit, as well as a guided pathway through the BU Hub. Interested students should consult the Core Curriculum or CAS Academic Advising for information.

Directed Study

Directed study allows the advanced undergraduate student to pursue independent research under the guidance of a faculty specialist. Ordinarily, directed study proposals are developed in consultation with a faculty advisor and are submitted for approval no later than the week preceding registration. Directed study projects may be undertaken for variable units (1–6 units) and students may complete a maximum of 12 units of directed study while at CAS. Further information and applications are available at the CAS Academic Advising website.

Honors in the Major

Qualified CAS students may apply to pursue a course of study leading to graduation with honors in their chosen major. More information can be found in the Honors in the Major portion of this Bulletin.

Study Abroad

Study abroad in academic and combined academic/internship programs is strongly encouraged for students in all CAS majors.

Other Opportunities

Other special opportunities that applicants to CAS and continuing students may wish to consider include the following:

Planning a Degree Program in CAS

Informed decisionmaking is key to completing degree requirements in a timely way and taking best advantage of the academic opportunities available to CAS students. In working with academic advisors to design their degree programs, students should take particular note of the following:

First-Year Course Selection

First-year students normally are guided in the selection of courses for their first term by a special registration process that takes place over the summer. First-year students who offer advanced placement or other special qualifications may register for more advanced courses with the permission of the appropriate departments.

All students are generally advised to begin work toward completion of the Second Language Requirement and their BU Hub requirements as soon as possible.

Advanced Placement and Units

Students entering Boston University who offer satisfactory scores in advanced placement examinations or selected international universities may receive advanced placement and units within CAS and the BU Hub. Please refer to Boston University’s Admissions website for further information.

For specific information about advanced placement or units by examination, see the Advanced Units Guide from BU Admissions.

Course Units

Most CAS courses carry 4 units; a few carry half or variable units. Many CAS students achieve the total of 128 units required for graduation by taking 32 distinct (4-unit) courses. A 3-unit course taken in another college at Boston University or elsewhere, or a 5-unit course taken in the quarter-hour system, is not equivalent to a 4-unit term course in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Course Load

Students are expected to be enrolled on a full-time basis. Students ordinarily are expected to proceed at the rate of four (4-unit) courses per term. To be considered a full-time degree candidate, a student must be registered in a minimum of three 4-unit courses (12 units).

Students wishing to register for 19 or 20 units, but not more than 20, may do so without prior CAS approval if they are in good academic standing and their advisor approves; however, first-term freshmen and first-term transfers may not take five 4-unit courses. Additional tuition will be charged for all units in excess of 18, except to students with a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher, or students in their senior year who have accumulated at least 88 units. Additional tuition will be charged to all students for units in excess of 20. Course overload fee waiver forms should be submitted to CAS Academic Advising.

Intra-University Transfer

Students in other schools and colleges within the University wishing to transfer into the College of Arts & Sciences may obtain information at CAS Academic Advising. CAS students wishing to transfer to another school or college within the University must consult that particular school or college.

Visiting Students

A CAS student wishing to spend a term at another institution as an unmatriculated student should first inquire at CAS Academic Advising for information on the appropriate procedure. A student from another college or university wishing to spend a term or two as an unmatriculated student in CAS should contact the Admissions office for guidelines and applications.