Minors in Mathematics & Statistics

The Department of Mathematics & Statistics offers two minors: Mathematics and Statistics. Students minoring in statistics choose between tracks in Mathematical Statistics and Statistical Methods.

Unless otherwise noted, all required courses are 4 unit hours.

Classification of Elementary Courses

For the purpose of stating prerequisites, elementary courses are grouped under the titles listed below. Any one course in a group satisfies a requirement, and only one course in each group may be taken for units.

  • Elementary Statistics I: CAS MA 113, 115, 213
  • Elementary Statistics II: CAS MA 116, 214, 614
  • Calculus I: CAS MA 121, 123
  • Calculus II: CAS MA 122, 124, 127, 129 (MA 129 may be taken for units by students with AP units for CAS MA 124)
  • Multivariate Calculus: CAS MA 225, 230
  • Differential Equations: CAS MA 226, 231
  • Linear Algebra: CAS MA 142, 242, 442
  • Discrete Math: CAS MA 193, 293
  • Modern Algebra: CAS MA 294 (may not be taken after MA 541 or 542)

Students must earn a minimum grade of C in courses taken toward a minor. All student minors develop their programs in consultation with an advisor.


Mathematics Minor

The ability to use mathematical principles is critical to a large number of fields, both those traditionally thought of as having a quantitative dimension and, increasingly, to other areas in the humanities and social sciences. Students minoring in mathematics obtain a solid background in mathematical reasoning to complement their major field of study. Undergraduate training in mathematics can provide a competitive edge in a student’s career prospects or may serve as a springboard to graduate study in a computational discipline.

The prerequisite for the minor is CAS MA 123 and 124, or 127 or 129 or equivalent.

The principal courses required are:

  • CAS MA 225 or 230
  • CAS MA 226 or 231
  • CAS MA 242 or 442
  • At least two CAS MA courses numbered 400 or above

In addition, it is strongly recommended that students take CAS CS 111 Introduction to Computer Science.

Statistics Minor: Mathematical Statistics Track

Mathematical statistics underpins the development of new theory and methods to study data from a variety of fields including actuarial sciences and mathematical finance. Students minoring in mathematical statistics obtain a strong background in probability theory and statistical principles to complement their major field of study. Undergraduate training in mathematical statistics provides the ability to reason abstractly about random processes, which can provide a competitive edge in a student’s career prospects or may serve as a springboard to graduate study in a computational or theoretical discipline.

The prerequisite for the minor is CAS MA 123 and 124, or 127 or 129 or equivalent.

Principal courses required are:

  • CAS MA 213
  • CAS MA 214
  • CAS MA 225 or MA 230
  • Two courses chosen from CAS MA 581, 582, and 583

In addition, it is strongly recommended that students take CAS CS 111 Introduction to Computer Science.

Statistics Minor: Statistical Methods Track

The ability to perform statistical analyses is critical to an increasingly greater number of fields ranging from psychology and sociology, to business and economics, to biology. Students minoring in statistical methods obtain a solid background in statistical reasoning, including classical and modern methods, to complement their major field of study. Undergraduate training in statistical methods can provide a competitive edge in a student’s career prospects or may serve as a springboard to graduate study in a computational discipline.

Principal courses required are:

  • CAS MA 115 or 213
  • CAS MA 116 or 214
  • CAS MA 416
  • CAS MA 684
  • One course at the MA 400–600 or CS 400–600 level, and one additional MA or CS course. These two courses are to be selected with the written approval of a statistics advisor.