Social Sciences

  • CGS SS 103: Politics, Economies, and Social Change in the West: The Ancient World Through the Enlightenment
    This interdisciplinary course examines social change in the politics, economies, social structures, and culture of the West from the ancient world through the Enlightenment. Students look at developments in governance, trade, social inequalities, and ideas that gave the West its distinctive character, including the rise of its key institution, democracy. To interpret historical change critically, students are introduced to the social science "toolkit" of analytical concepts. Assignments outside the classroom will encourage students to consider how history has shaped today's world. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry I, The Individual in Community, Critical Thinking.
    • Critical Thinking
    • The Individual in Community
    • Social Inquiry I
  • CGS SS 104E: The Industrial Revolution
    This interdisciplinary course examines social change in the politics, economies, social structures, and culture of the West from the Industrial Revolution to the present. Students consider the impact of technological innovation, industrial capitalism, global war, genocide, and the ideologies that shaped these developments. The course concludes with the globalization of economies and social structures in an era of rising inequality. Visits to relevant sites in Britain will supplement classroom instruction. Class meets twice a week for 2h with two additional contact hours as assigned. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry II, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Critical Thinking.
    • Critical Thinking
    • Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy
    • Social Inquiry II
  • CGS SS 201: Radicals, Rebels, and Revolutionaries: Agents of Global Change
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: First Year Writing Seminar (e.g., WR 100 or WR 120) - SS201 explores the historical roots of our global political and economic scene from a comparative perspective. Students will examine the radical movements, ideologies, and revolutions that have shaped the contemporary world, focusing on a comparison of two or more nations or regions. Topics may include the history and power of nationalism, the legacy of imperialism, competing political ideologies, the rise of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, terrorism and state violence, and the role popular collective action plays in effecting change. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Historical Consciousness, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Research and Information Literacy. Effective Fall 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Writing-Intensive Course, Research and Information Literacy.
    • Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy
    • Research and Information Literacy
    • Writing-Intensive Course
  • CGS SS 202: American Foreign Policy Since World War II
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: First Year Writing Seminar (e.g., WR 100 or WR 120). - SS 202 focuses on U.S. foreign policy since the late 1930's. After considering U.S. policy immediately before and during World War II, it explores how the United States responded to the global challenge posed by the Soviet Union and international communism during the long struggle known as the Cold War. The factors that led to the Cold War, the nuclear arms race, America's involvement in Vietnam, and, ultimately, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War are examined. The course concludes by analyzing challenges to American interests and security in the twenty- first century. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Historical Consciousness, Writing- Intensive Course, Research and Information Literacy.
    • Historical Consciousness
    • Research and Information Literacy
    • Writing-Intensive Course
  • CGS SS 300: Science, Politics & Power: WWII to the 21st Century
    This course will survey the careers of individuals whose scientific research and personal convictions compelled them to defy powerful authorities. It will explore the political, moral, and social, implications of scientific discoveries in the 20th century and beyond. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Historical Consciousness, Social Inquiry I, Critical Thinking.
    • Critical Thinking
    • Historical Consciousness
    • Social Inquiry I
  • CGS SS 320: Identity Politics in the United States
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: First Year Writing Seminar (e.g., WR 100 or WR 120) - This course explores the politics of race, gender, class, sexuality, religion and more, focusing on the history, dynamics and contemporary issues surrounding identity formation and mobilization. Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry I, The Individual in Community, Writing-Intensive Course.
    • The Individual in Community
    • Social Inquiry I
    • Writing-Intensive Course