Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies

The CGS Interdisciplinary Studies minor provides undergraduates the opportunity to deepen their understanding and appreciation of how disciplines intersect and can work together to create new knowledge, ways of thinking, and/or to problem-solve at the intersections of the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences disciplines.

Requiring six 4-unit courses, students will develop their integrative knowledge by taking two different interdisciplinary CGS 201 or 202 courses in Natural Science, Social Science, and/or Humanities. With this foundation, students will then take two CGS electives (or relevant interdisciplinary electives elsewhere at BU, as approved by the CGS Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development) and the Cross-College Challenge XCC 4**, the Hub’s signature interdisciplinary project-based elective course open to juniors and seniors from all 10 undergraduate schools and colleges. Finally, students will complete a 4-unit interdisciplinary directed study with a CGS faculty member. The minor encourages students to build the broad base of interdisciplinary learning they need to solve problems, think critically and creatively, take on complex intellectual and practical challenges, and cultivate habits of mind that will help them succeed in any career.

Learning Outcomes

  • The ability to make insightful connections across disciplines and perspectives.
  • The ability to draw conclusions by combining examples, facts, theories, or methodologies from at least two disciplines to arrive at interdisciplinary understandings.
  • The ability to use interdisciplinary thinking to address problem-solving and take on complex intellectual and practical challenges.
  • Their understanding of the interconnections and relationships among the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
  • The ability to apply creative approaches to problem-solving and self-directed study.


Course Number Title Units
CGS Students: CGS RH 103 and 104
Non-CGS Students: CAS WR 120 and WR 151 or 152
Students choose two different CGS 201 or 202 courses (NS, SS, and/or HU), one of which must be a 202 course. For CGS Students Only: the two CGS courses will be double counted as fulfilling the CGS program requirements as well as the minor. A minimum of 12 units must be unique to the CGS minor and may not count toward the fulfillment of majors or other minors. 
CGS HU 201 History of Ethical Philosophy–From the Ancient World to the 19th Century 4
CGS HU 202 History of 20th-Century Ethical Philosophy and Applied Ethics 4
CGS NS 201 Biology I 4
CGS NS 202 Human Ecology/Global Ecology 4
CGS SS 201 Radicals, Rebels, and Revolutionaries: Agents of Global Change 4
CGS SS 202 American Foreign Policy Since World War II 4
Students choose two CGS interdisciplinary electives (or relevant interdisciplinary electives elsewhere at BU, as approved by CGS Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development).
CGS HU 240 Imperial-Era Global Folklore and Supernatural Fiction 4
CGS HU 425 Trauma in History, Art & Religion 4
CGS HU 450 Giving Well 4
CGS IN 250 Cosmic Visions: The Science of Astronomy & The Arts 4
CGS SS 300 Science and Political Engagement in the 20th Century 4
CGS SS 320 Identity Politics in the United States 4
XCC 4** Cross-College Challenge XCC 4** 4
Students are required to do one interdisciplinary directed study with a CGS faculty member (approved by Associate Dean).
CGS IS 400 One interdisciplinary directed study 4