PhD in Emerging Media Studies

The PhD in Emerging Media Studies (EMS) is designed to create academic and industry leaders who, by virtue of having completed their doctoral thesis, have already made a scholarly contribution to the field of emerging media studies. The program’s objectives are to give students a comprehensive understanding of the role of emerging media in society and organizations, and hone their research skills so that they can undertake independent and innovative research on emerging media. Students will gain an understanding of the philosophical and intellectual underpinnings of emerging media as well as their practical role in society and organizations. Graduates will be able to critically evaluate issues related to the social role of emerging media.

Before progressing to PhD candidacy, students must complete a minimum of 60 units of graduate-level coursework with a grade of B– or higher in each course. The 60 units must be comprised of the required courses and elective requirements listed below.

The student will then progress to COM EM 902 where they will prepare for their qualifying examination. Upon passing this examination, the candidate will enroll in COM EM 993 to complete a doctoral thesis that constitutes an original scholarly contribution to the field.

The total minimum units to graduate is 68.


Required Courses (62 units)

  • COM EM 808 Pedagogy of Instruction (Students must complete multiple sections of COM EM 808.)
  • COM EM 831 Critical Studies, History, and Philosophy of Emerging Media
  • COM EM 847 Time, Place, and Social Data: Advanced Issues in Large-Scale Analysis and Visualization
  • COM EM 855 Computer-Assisted Text Analysis: Network, Sentiment, and Visualization
  • COM EM 861 Special Topics
  • COM EM 877 Policy and Politics in Emerging Media Environments
  • COM EM 888 Doctoral Collaboratory in Emerging Media (Students must complete multiple sections of COM EM 888.)
  • COM EM 889 Advanced Issues in Emerging Media Content Production
  • COM EM 902 Directed Studies
  • COM EM 993 Thesis Research

Elective Courses (minimum of 6 units)

Students are encouraged to complete additional electives with advisor consultation.

Qualifying Exams

Students are required to take qualifying exams before progressing to PhD candidacy and enrolling in COM EM 993.