Advanced Biomedical Design and Development

ENG BE 695

BE 695 is a two-semester, project-based design course that provides students in the BME Master of Engineering program with an experiential opportunity to develop professional-level skills in biomedical product design and development. The course is divided into four modules: Discovery, Design, Development, and Deployment. During the first semester, students conduct determine User Needs, select projects, and design initial solutions. During the second semester, teams further develop their designs, make and test multiple prototypes. Design Controls, Risk Management plans, IP and Regulatory Strategies, as well as a Commercialization pathway are developed. Students enroll both semesters to receive credit for the course. Restricted to BME Master of Engineering students only.

FALL 2024 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Gillette CDS 262 MW 2:30 pm-4:15 pm Mts w/ENG BE694 ; ENG BE695 is restricted to BME M.Eng students only. Students who register for ENG BE 695 in the Fall must al so register for ENG BE 695 in the Spring. This is a 2-se mester course, with each semester being 4 credits. BME Waitlist: here

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the Student Link for the most up-to-date course information.