Mechanical Engineering

  • ENG ME 546: Introduction to Micro/Nanofluidics
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (ENGME303 & ENGME419) or consent of instructor - This course is an introductory graduate course in mechanical engineering. It is aiming to introduce unique transport phenomena and major applications of micro/nanofluidics to senior undergraduates and new graduate students. Topics include overview of micro/nanofluidics, scaling laws, intermolecular forces, lubrication theory, surface tension and Marangoni flow, chaotic mixing, electrowetting, electrokinetics, dielectrophoresis, chemical reaction in confined space, micro/nano fabrication, etc. Special emphasis will be focused on understanding fundamental mechanism of transport phenomena at the micro/nanoscale.
  • ENG ME 547: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, first course in flui d mechanics - This course will prepare students in the fundamentals of the computational approach to study fluid flow problems, and will provide a deeper understanding of the physical models and governing equations of fluid dynamics. It will also present an opportunity to learn the basic skills of programming solutions to differential equations, and present an overview of essential numerical techniques. Students will develop finite difference based computer models as part of the "12 Steps" to numerically solving the laminar Navier-Stokes equations. Consistency, stability and convergence of the numerical methods will be discussed. Extensions to turbulent flows will be considered. The students will be introduced to an open source CFD code and will explore numerical solutions to problems in fluid mechanics using the code.
  • ENG ME 549: Structures and Function of the Extracellular Matrix
    This is an introductory course dealing with the detailed structure of the basic units of the extracellular matrix including collagen, elastin, microfibrils, and proteoglycans as well as the functional properties such as elasticity at different scales from molecule to fibrils to organ level behavior. The biological role of these components and their interaction with cells is also covered. Interaction of enzymes and the matrix in the presence of mechanical forces is discussed. Mathematical modeling is applied at various length scales of the extracellular matrix that provides quantitative understanding of the structure and function relationship. Special topics include how diseases affect extracellular matrix in the lung, cartilage, and vasculature. The relevance of the properties of native extracellular matrix for tissue engineering is also discussed. Same as ENG BE 549 and ENG MS 549. Students may not receive credit for both.
  • ENG ME 555: MEMS: Fabrication and Materials
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Graduate status or consent of the instructor. - This course will explore the world of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and NEMS. This requires an awareness of design, fabrication, and materials issues involved in micro/nanosystems. We will go over this through a combination of lectures, case studies, and individual homework assignments. The course will cover fabrication technologies, material properties, structural mechanics, basic sensing and actuation principles, packaging, and MEMS markets and applications. The course will emphasize the fabrication and materials of micro/nanosystems. This is not because the other parts aren't important. Instead, it is because with fabrication and materials expertise there is something concrete you can do that will always help. When we exam special topics and case studies, a lot of these other pieces will be put together. Same as ENG MS 555. Students may not receive credit for both.
  • ENG ME 557: Additive Manufacturing
    This course will teach the fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing (AM) theory and how AM is being used in industry to accelerate product development and replace more traditional low-volume and high volume manufacturing processes. Topics will cover the technologies, methods and applications or a range of additive methods including FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling), SLA (Sterolithography) and MLS(Metal Laster Sintering), methods for designing for additive will be covered, and implications of additive manufacturing in the complete product life-cycle. We will use the equipment in EPIC to demonstrate and practice the design and production of additive parts.
  • ENG ME 560: Precision Machine Design and Instrumentation
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing with basic CAD experience or consent of in structor. - This interdisciplinary course teaches the student how to design, instrument, and control high-precision, computer-controlled automation equipment, using concrete examples drawn from the photonics, biotech, and semi-conductor industries. Topics covered include design strategy, high-precision mechanical components, sensors and measurement, servo control, design for controllability, control software development, controller hardware, as well as automated error detection and recovery. Students will work in teams, both in-classroom and out-of-classroom, to integrate and apply the material covered in class to a term-long multi-part design project in PTC Pro-Engineer or other comparable CAD system, culminating in a group presentation at the end of the class.
  • ENG ME 566: Advanced Engineering Mathematics
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASMA225 & CASMA226) Senior standing, and consent of instructor. - Introduces students of engineering to various mathematical techniques which are necessary in order to solve practical problems. Topics covered include a review of calculus methods, elements of probability and statistics, linear algebra, transform methods, difference and differential equations, numerical techniques, and mathematical techniques in optimization theory. Examples and case studies focus on applications to several engineering disciplines. The intended audience for this course is advanced seniors and entering MS engineering students who desire strengthening of their fundamental mathematical skills in preparation for advanced studies and research.
  • ENG ME 568: Soft Robotic Technologies
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CAD, Instrumentation (electronic boards-reading/acquiring signal), bas ic Material science, structural mechanics, basic fluid mechanics, Matl ab programming - Thia course will introduce students to the field of soft robotics and more generally to non-conventional actuation (e.g. shape memory alloys, soft fluidic actuators, electroactive polymers, etc.) and sensing technologies (soft and flexible technologies based on resistive, capacitive, and optics). They will learn the fluid physics principles that drive them and how they can be designed, manufactured, and integrated into functional soft robotic systems. The class will have a substantial experimental hands-on component during which students will learn challenges and opportunities in the design, manufacturing, modeling, and control of such systems. They will also learn how to apply these technologies to address current shortcomings of traditional rigid robotics.
  • ENG ME 570: Robot Motion Planning
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CASMA226, ENGEK103 and ENGEK121 or ENGEK125 - Provides an overview of state-of-the-art techniques for robot motion planning. The emphasis is on the algorithms. It covers topology of configuration spaces, potential functions, roadmaps, cell decompositions, sampling-based algorithms, and model checking approaches to robot motion planning and control.
  • ENG ME 571: Medical Robotics
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor - Graduate Prerequisites: Mechanical Design (CAD), Experience in Fabrication, Experience with Pr ogramming/Automation, Technical Communication (e.g. writing and presen tation). Consent of Instructor - This course will be composed of lectures, tutorials, and group work. We will study the design, mechanics, materials, manufacturing, and control of robots and associated technologies for medical applications. We will cover theory, on medical robotics and case studies, including examples from medical companies and research groups.This class is aimed toward graduate students in engineering; no medical background is required. We will study and explore design principles of different mechatronic components and systems for medical robots. We will cover in-depth especially the meso-scale actuators, sensors, and body construction methods.
  • ENG ME 576: Nanomanufacturing and Hierarchical Materials
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (ENGME304 & ENGME305 & ENGME306) Senior, or graduate standing - Nanoscale materials are often celebrated as having unique properties that exceed their bulk counterparts. However, leveraging such nanoscale materials as components in bulk materials is challenging as it requires (1) making enough material to be relevant on bulk scales and (2) incorporating nanomaterials at a bulk scale in amannerso as to maximize their effect. The structural ordering of these nanomaterials can range from disordered, as in the case of nanocomposites, to highly ordered, as is generally the case in metamaterials. This course is designed to communicate he state-of-the-art, challenges, and opportunities of constructing hierarchical materials with nanoscale constituents. Same as ENG MS 576. Students may not receive credits for both.
  • ENG ME 579: Nano/microelectronic Device Technology
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. - The main physical processes and manufacturing strategies for the fabrication and manufacture of micro and nanoelectronic devices will be covered, mostly for silicon, although exciting materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes will also be covered. A key emphasis here will be on electron- hole transport, band structure, basic quantum effects, and the use of engineering and physical effects to alter semiconductor device performance. Photolithography, a significant factor in manufacturability, will be covered in some detail, and to a lesser degree, so will doping methods, diffusion, oxidation, etching, and deposition. The overall integration with methods and tools employed by device and circuit designers will be covered. Same as ENG EC 579; students may not receive credit for both.
  • ENG ME 580: Theory of Elasticity
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (ENGME309) or equivalent - An introduction to the general theory of solid deformation; small deformation emphasized. Topics include: Cartesian tensors, indicial notation. Introduction to continuum mechanics: deformation of continuous media, deformation gradient, strain definitions. Stress, Cauchy's postulate, Cauchy and Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors. Balance laws. Constitutive equations, strain energy and Green's postulate. Linear Elasticity: Two dimensional problems, Airy stress function, in plane loading of strips, St. Venant's principle, complex variable methods, Goursat-Muskhelishvili representation, stress concentrations around holes and cracks. Three dimensional problems, Kelvin's solution, the Boussinesq problem, Hertzian contact, Eshelby's energy-momentum tensor. Same as ENG MS 580. Students may not receive credits for both.
  • ENG ME 582: Mechanical Behavior of Materials
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: ENG ME 309 - Fundamental concepts of modern materials behavior and materials engineering. Emphasis on analytical and numerical methods for predicting material properties and behavior, as well as some discussion of the relationships between solid structure and material properties. Topics include: constitutive relations, fracture, fatigue, plasticity, creep, damping, impact, and deformation. Elastic, plastic, and viscous behavior. Some discussion of the effects of processing--thermodynamics, kinetics--may be addressed. Specific examples from ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites is given, with the emphasis changing for each offering. Same as ENG MS 582. Students may not receive credist for both.
  • ENG ME 583: Product Management
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. - Planning and execution of the process of bringing new tangible and intangible products to market. Review of the new product development process. Establishment of the new product specification. Setting of financial expectations. Formation and dynamics of the product implementation team. Organization of the new product introduction project including matrixed management and financial control. Contingency planning and risk management. Taught through case-based discussions, lectures, and readings.
  • ENG ME 584: Manufacturing Strategy
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (ENGME420 OR ENGME510) or consent of instructor - Strategic decision-making for technical people in manufacturing companies. Provides practice in applying financial, organizational, and operational concepts through analysis and discussion of case situations. Topics include process alternatives and their implications; interactions among product design, process design, worker skill and worker motivation; supplier relationships; interfaces with marketing and finance; introduction of new technology; capacity planning; and competitive analysis. Taught principally by in-class discussion plus guest lectures.
  • ENG ME 606: Industrial Practicum
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Manufacturing Engineering MS or MEng program, or con sent of instructor. - The industrial practicum practicum is a semester-long team project based on problems with industrial relevance. Conducted in an industrial environment, the goal of the practicum is to provide students with hands-on experience to supplement their theoretical knowledge, and to help them further develop professional competencies. Oral presentation and written project report required.
  • ENG ME 690: Advanced Product Design
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor. - Graduate Prerequisites: Proficiency in basic CAD, mechanical design principles, calculus, dif ferential equations and at least 3 courses in physics, chemistry and m aterials. - An eight credit, two term course. Advanced Product Design is focused on the tools and skills driving smart engineering decisions which anticipate user, societal and technological trends. A "proactive" mechanical engineer creates products and systems that are appropriate, effective, fail-resistant, and economically successful. Students are expected to perform original research on design and engineering trends, apply advanced engineering methods to case studies, defend their conclusions, and ultimately create a manufacturable design prototype.
  • ENG ME 691: Advanced Product Design and Engineering
    Graduate Prerequisites: Graduate standing in an an engineering discipline. Previous courses in materials science, CAD, FEA, structures. Basic programming and electr ical engineering. Experience building and testing prototypes - Fall Semester; part of a two-term sequence with ENG ME 692 Advanced Product Design and Engineering is focused on the tools and skills enabling smart, practical product engineering choices. A "proactive" mechanical engineer creates products and systems that are functional, manufacturable and economically successful, even as user expectations and technologies evolve. Students are expected to perform original research on design and engineering trends, apply advanced engineering methods to specific examples, justify their their conclusions in design reviews, and ultimately create a manufacturable design prototype. Grading based on a mix of team and individual assignments.
  • ENG ME 692: Advanced Product Design and Engineering
    Graduate Prerequisites: Graduate standing in an an engineering discipline. Previous courses in materials science, CAD, FEA, structures. Basic programming and electr ical engineering. - Spring Semester; part of a two-term sequence with ENG ME 691. Advanced Product Design and Engineering is focused on the tools and skills enabling smart, practical product engineering choices. A "proactive" mechanical engineer creates products and systems that are functional, manufacturable, and economically successful, even as user expectations and technologies evolve. Students are expected to perform original research on design and engineering trends, apply advanced engineering methods to specific examples, justify their conclusions in design reviews, and ultimately create a manufacturable design prototype. Grading based on a mix of team and individual assignments.