Mechanical Engineering

  • ENG ME 788: Soft Tissue Biomechanics
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (ENGBE420 & ENGME521) or ENG BE521 or equivalent with consent of instructor. - This course will introduce students to the mechanics of soft biological tissue. In particular, the response of the heart, vasculature, and tissue scaffolds to mechanical loads from the perspective of nonlinear solid mechanics will be studied. Constitutive models for hyperelastic materials will be adapted to biomaterials to handle mechanical characteristics such as nonlinearity, viscoelasticity, and orthotropy. Basic experimental methods, and anatomy and physiology of particular tissue types will also be introduced. Emphasis is placed on integrating the basic analytical, experimental, and computational methods for a more complete understanding of the underlying mechanobiology. Meets with ENG BE 788. Students may not receive credit for both.
  • ENG ME 790: Graduate Seminar in Mechanical Engineering
    Discussion of current topics in mechanical engineering. Students are expected to attend and actively participate in weekly discussion meetings. Meetings organized around presentations by invited guests who discuss their research programs, strategies, and approaches. 1 cr. P/F. Fall semester.
  • ENG ME 791: Mechanical Engineering PhD Research Placement Program
    Graduate Prerequisites: PhD standing - Through trial placements in multiple research labs, first-year PhD students have the opportunity to become familiar with the activities of research groups that are of interest to them. It is recommended that first-year PhD students identify and complete three placements: one in the first semester of their first year and two in their second semester. These placements are intended to help students sample research activities available within Mechanical Engineering and identify the research group and faculty advisor with whom they will perform their dissertation research. Normally each placement will last up to seven weeks. VAR cr. P/F. Either sem.
  • ENG ME 801: Teaching Practicum I
    PhD Requirement. Assist faculty by performing teaching or teaching-related duties, such as preparing and teaching labs and discussion sections, developing teaching materials, assisting with homework preparation and grading, proctoring exams, grading exams or papers.
  • ENG ME 802: Teaching Practicum II
    PhD requirement. Assist faculty by performing teaching or teaching-related duties, such as preparing and teaching labs and discussion sections, developing teaching materials, assisting with homework preparation and grading, proctoring exams, grading exams or papers.
  • ENG ME 810: PhD Internship in Mechanical Engineering
    Graduate Prerequisites: Permission of advisor and an approved internship offer; at least two s emesters in the ME PhD program. - This course provides ME PhD students the opportunity tom include a paid internship as part of their professional training. The internship must be related to the student's area of study. International students require CPT authorization. Written summary required. Graded P/F. Prerequisite: Permission of advisor and an approved internship offer; at least two complete semesters in the ME PhD program. Full-time (30-40 hours/week for at least 12 weeks) = 4 credits; part-time (15-20 hours/week for at least 12 weeks) = 2 credits.
  • ENG ME 900: PhD Research
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Graduate standing. - Graduate Prerequisites: Restricted to pre-prospectus PhD students. - Participation in a research project under the direction of a faculty advisor leading to the preparation and defense of a PhD prospectus.
  • ENG ME 951: Independent Study
    Graduate Prerequisites: By petition only. - Graduate students may study, under a faculty member's supervision, subjects not covered in a regularly offered course. Final report and/or written examination normally required.
  • ENG ME 954: MS Thesis
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Graduate standing. - Graduate Prerequisites: Restricted to MS students by petition only. - Participation in a research project under the direction of a faculty advisor leading to the preparation of an original MS thesis. For students pursuing an MS thesis to satisfy the practicum requirement for the MS degree.
  • ENG ME 991: PhD Dissertation
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Graduate standing. - Graduate Prerequisites: ME 900; restricted to post-prospectus PhD students. - Participation in a research project under the direction of a faculty advisor leading to the preparation and defense of an original PhD dissertation.