Transfer Units

College of Engineering Undergraduate Policy

It is generally expected that undergraduate students in the College of Engineering will complete their degree requirements at Boston University.

Students who have transferred courses from another college or university and have satisfied all program requirements, but are deficient in the number of unit hours required by their degree program, are required to make up the deficiency by taking an academic course that carries Boston University units (except PDP courses). Courses graded Pass/Fail are not acceptable. Duplicate course units and courses below the level of the minimum degree requirements cannot be used to fulfill this unit deficiency.

It is generally preferred that unit deficiencies in technical coursework (engineering, mathematics, and natural science courses) be satisfied by technical coursework. A minimum of 30 units in mathematics and natural science is required.

Further information about the transfer unit process can be found in the Boston University policy on BU Residency Requirement and Transfer of Undergraduate Units.