Computer Science

  • CAS CS 551: Streaming and Event-driven Systems
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CAS CS 112 and CAS CS 210; CAS CS 451 and CAS CS 460 or consent of ins tructor. - Fundamentals of stream processing and event-driven systems. Topics include Pub/Sub systems; Distributed streaming systems; Dataflow programming; Fault-tolerance and processing guarantees; State management; Windowing semantics; Complex event processing; Microservice architectures; Serverless functions; Examines current and emerging architectures and use-cases.
  • CAS CS 558: Computer Networks Security
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS357) or consent of instructor. - This course covers securing core internet infrastructure protocols and constructing secure, private, and censorship-free communications on the modern internet. Topics include BGP, ARP, DNS, TLS, censorship-resistant systems like Tor, end-to-end secure messaging, metadata protection, and trusted execution environments.
  • CAS CS 561: Data Systems Architectures
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CAS CS 210 or equivalent and CAS CS 460/660. - Discusses the design of data systems that can address the modern challenges of managing and accessing large, ever-growing, diverse sets of data, often streaming from heterogenous sources, in the context of continuously evolving hardware and software. We use examples from several data management areas including relational systems, distributed database systems, key value stores, newSQL and NoSQL systems, data systems for machine learning (and machine learning for data systems), interactive analytics, and data management as a service. Effective Spring 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Oral and/or Signed Communication, Research and Information Literacy.
    • Oral and/or Signed Communication
    • Research and Information Literacy
  • CAS CS 565: Algorithmic Data Mining
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS112 & CASCS330 & CASCS365) - Introduction to data mining concepts and techniques. Topics include association and correlation discovery, classification and clustering of large datasets, outlier detection. Emphasis on the algorithmic aspects as well as the application of mining in real-world problems.
  • CAS CS 581: Computational Fabrication
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CAS CS 112 and CAS CS 132 or CAS MA 242; CAS 480/GRS CS 680 recommende d. - Introduces 3D printing technology and computational methods for creating physical prototypes from geometric models. Student-led paper presentations cover research from prominent Computer Graphics and Human Computer Interaction conferences. Culminates in a design project involving a computational component and physical prototyping.
  • CAS CS 582: Geometry Processing
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CAS CS 112 (or equivalent), CAS CS 132 or CAS MA 242 (or equivalent), CAS MA 225 (or equivalent). - Algorithms and data structures for digital processing of triangle meshes and point clouds. Topics include: surface smoothing, parametrization, and deformation; half- edge data structures; discretized curvature measures; and spectral analysis of surfaces. Numerical methods for linear algebra and optimization also discussed.
  • CAS CS 583: Audio Computation
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS112) and understanding of physics equivalent to CAS PY 105. - Introduction to algorithms, data structures, and applications in computer manipulation of audio signals. Topics include the physical properties of sound and of musical instruments, representation and synthesis of musical and environmental sounds, analysis of audio signals using the Fourier Transform, and topics of current interest in research, including the use of deep learning for analysis of audio signals. Effective Fall 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry II, Creativity/Innovation.
    • Creativity/Innovation
    • Scientific Inquiry II
  • CAS CS 585: Image and Video Computing
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS132 OR CASMA242) and CASCS112 or equivalent programming experience and familiarity with calculus. - Introduction to images and video as multimedia data types and algorithms for image and video understanding based on color, shading, stereo, and motion. Topics include face recognition, human-computer interfaces, animal and vehicle tracking, and medical image analysis.
  • CAS CS 599: Advanced Topics in Computer Science
    Various advanced topics in computer science that vary semester to semester. Please contact the CAS Computer Science Department for detailed descriptions.
  • CAS CS 611: Object-oriented Software Principles and Design
    Graduate Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. - Introduces principles and techniques of object-oriented programming. Focuses on specification, programming, analysis of large-scale, reliable, and reusable Java software using object-oriented design. Includes object models, memory models, inheritance, exceptions, namespaces, data abstraction, design against failure, design patterns, reasoning about objects.
  • CAS CS 630: Graduate Algorithms
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS330) - Examines advanced algorithmic topics and methods for CS graduate students, including matrix decomposition techniques and applications, linear programming, fundamental discrete and continuous optimization methods, probabilistic algorithms, NP-hard problems and approximation techniques, and algorithms for very large data sets.
  • CAS CS 640: Artificial Intelligence
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS330) and CASCS132 or CASMA242, or consent of instructor. - Studies computer systems that exhibit intelligent behavior, in particular, perceptual and robotic systems. Topics include human computer interfaces, computer vision, robotics, game playing, pattern recognition, knowledge representation, planning.
  • CAS CS 651: Distributed Systems
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS112 & CASCS210) - Programming-centric introduction to how networks of computers are structured to operate as coherent single systems. Introducing principles of architecture, processes, communications, naming, synchronization, consistency and replication, fault tolerance and security, and paradigms such as web-based, object-based, file system, and consistency-based.
  • CAS CS 655: Graduate Computer Networks
    Graduate Prerequisites: (CASCS112 & CASCS210) CAS CS350 is recommended; or consent of instructor. - Concepts underlying the design of high-performance computer networks and scalable protocols. Topics include Internet design principles and methodology, TCP/IP implementation, packet switching and routing algorithms, multicast, quality of service considerations, error detection and correction, and performance evaluation.
  • CAS CS 660: Graduate Introduction to Database Systems
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS112) CASCS350 recommended. - Graduate introduction to database management systems. Examines entity-relationship, relational, and object-oriented data models; commercial query languages: SQL, relational algebra, relational calculus, and QBE; file organization, indexing and hashing, query optimization, transaction processing, concurrency control and recovery, integrity, and security.
  • CAS CS 680: Graduate Introduction to Computer Graphics
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS112) and CASCS132 or CASMA242. - Introduction to computer graphics algorithms, programming methods, and applications. Focus on fundamentals of two- and three-dimensional raster graphics: scan-conversion, clipping, geometric transformations, and camera modeling. Introduces concepts in computational geometry, computer-human interfaces, animation, and visual realism. Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Digital/Multimedia Expression.
    • Digital/Multimedia Expression
  • CAS CS 697: Computer%20Science%20Graduate%20Initiation
    Graduate Prerequisites: enrollment in Computer Science Ph.D. or M.A. degree program. - Guidance%20for%20graduate%20students%20embarking%20on%20a%20research%20career%20in%20computer%20science.%20Topics%20include%3A%20research%20resources%20and%20methodologies%2C%20the%20research%20project%20development%20process%2C%20refereeing%20and%20reviewing%2C%20written%20and%20oral%20presentations%2C%20the%20dissertation%2C%20writing%20effective%20research%20proposals%2C%20ethics%2C%20and%20career%20planning.%20%28Required%20of%20first-year%20doctoral%20candidates%3B%20open%20to%20interested%20CS%20Master%27s%20students.%29
  • CAS CS 698: CS Teaching Fellow Training
    Covers topics needed to be successful computer science teaching fellow. These include goals, content, and methods of instruction in computer science, and general teaching/learning issues. Required once of all teaching fellows.
  • CAS CS 910: Directed Study: Systems
    Graduate-level directed study in a topic in systems.
  • CAS CS 911: Directed Study: Systems
    Graduate-level directed study in a topic in systems.